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Test it, Try it, Then Buy It

Test it, Try it, Then Buy It

Anna & Raven are up early so you know they’re chatty! All I Need to Know About You: 0:00 If you badger kids on a playground to convince them that the Earth is flat or if you’re in a cornfield at night or being in the middle of the woods in the dark by yourself…Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Hear a What?

Anna & Raven Hear a What?

Anna & Raven are up early so you know they’re chatty! All I Need to Know About You: 0:00 If you’ve decided to make it your job to become a member of the grammar police or if you need to know every part of a fictional character’s backstory, that’s all I need to know about…Continue Reading

The Big TV Sleep

The Big TV Sleep

Anna & Raven are up early so you know they’re chatty! All I Need to Know About You: 0:00 If you use Super Tuesday as an excuse to flood your social media with political agendas in state that you don’t live in or if you don’t help an elderly man load up a propane tank,…Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes

Raven decided to use the theme song from “Laverne and Shirley” for the “Raven’s Roommate” all week long while his mom stays with him! But we want to know, what is your favorite TV Show theme song?Continue Reading

The Time Machine of Food and Brioschi

The Time Machine of Food and Brioschi

Anna & Raven are wide awake this morning! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to know about you: 0:00 If you’ve already made your basement a bunker complete with canned goods, mac & cheese, and batteries for the coronavirus or if your emergency…Continue Reading

Leap Year, Leap Frog, Leap Engagement!

Leap Year, Leap Frog, Leap Engagement!

All I Need to Know About You: 0:00 If you think Gwyneth Paltrow will protect you from the Coronavirus or if you don’t believe the hype about the illness but are secretly stockpiling canned goods, that’s all I need to know about you. Leap Day, Proposal Day: 3:09 Women use to propose marriage to men…Continue Reading

A Little Help by the Perfect Score

A Little Help by the Perfect Score

Wake up with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven now On Demand! All I need to know about you!: 0:00 If you kiss your own biceps after every time you do a curl at the gym or if you slow down during rainy conditions, that’s…Continue Reading

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