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The Anna & Raven Show: Tuesday Podcast

The Anna & Raven Show: Tuesday Podcast

The things you see in peoples houses on a Zoom call, and are these rooms strange? (0:00) Anna & Raven share their place of Zen within their homes & listeners unconventional rooms. (2:48) What’s that strange room in your house!? Plus, a listener shares a VERY different room she ran into while looking for a…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: White Hair…What White Hair?

The Anna & Raven Show: White Hair…What White Hair?

The week is winding down, it’s a great time to get your daily fill of Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about You: 0:00 If you think I’m going to pay to send my kids to virtual camp…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Reservations for Surfs Up!

The Anna & Raven Show: Reservations for Surfs Up!

It’s that time of the week! It’s Hump Day with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about You: 0:00 If you decide to fire 3,500 of your employees via Zoom or if fight with a customer like it’s…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Get Outta My Getaway Space

The Anna & Raven Show: Get Outta My Getaway Space

Has the work week been tough? Take a load off and get some laughs with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about You: 0:00 If your idea of protesting in doing burpees and squats about seven inches from…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Never Too Many Tacos

Friday is here! Kick off the weekend with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about you: 0:00 If you think that your mom wants hand sanitizer for Mother’s Day or if you throw out every piece of equipment…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Houston, We have a Tom Cruise

The Anna & Raven Show: Houston, We have a Tom Cruise

The week is almost over! Finish it off strong with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about you: 0:00 If you argue what six feet means because your Cinco de Mayo taco party in a parking lot got…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Anna Scissorhands

The Anna & Raven Show: Anna Scissorhands

It’s Hump Day! What’s better than celebrating with Anna & Raven! If you missed any of today’s show, catch up with Anna & Raven OnDemand now! All I need to Know about you: 0:00 If you create fake Zoom accounts to log on to things or if you think that tequila will kill anything, including…Continue Reading

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