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The Boars Head Baloney Olympics
The Olympics and the Boars Head recall are the two biggest stories in the country- so we combined them for the Boars Head Baloney Olympics! Who can throw the baloney, and have it stick to the tv?… Continue Reading
Olympic Kid Correspondent: Andrew
Have you been paying attention to the Olympics? Do you know the medal counts? No worries! Our Olympic Kid Correspondent, nine-year-old Andrew, has everything important you need to know in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Friday August 2, 2024: Political Aspirations; Wedding Song; Fired Friday
Have you ever dreamt of hot dogs falling from the sky? If you were at one specific Chris Stapleton concert, your dream came true! It was a big day for Team USA yesterday! Anna and Raven have all the details! Thinking about running for political office? Anna is, and she spoke to former campaign manager…… Continue Reading
Fire in the Office
This is not a drill!!🔥The office is on fire! Only grab the important things. What or who would you save first?Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Olympic Kid Correspondent: Madilynn
Sure, you can watch the news to see what happened at the Olympics, or you can have kids fill you in from their point of view! That’s exactly what seven-year-old Madilynn did today, all the Olympic news from kids in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Thursday August 1, 2024: Baloney Toss; Surprise!; Anna’s Next Career
How much money do Olympians actually make? Turns out, it depends on the country, but it’s not a lot… What kind of summer are you having? Some people say it’s a Brat summer, or a Glen Powell summer, but Anna is having a Hungry Girl summer! Would you vote for Anna? After she’s done with…… Continue Reading
Olympic Pose
Anna, Raven, Producer Jon, and Producer Sean do their best Olympic pose!🏅Who had the best pose? Who is more gold medal worthy?… Continue Reading
Publicly Embarrassed
When was the last time you were embarrassed in public? What happened to Producer Sean while at a pet store was not just embarrassing, but gross! What would you have done in this situation? Hear it in the podcast!… Continue Reading
Wednesday July 31, 2024: That Is Embarrassing; No More Nicknames; Female Founders
Moms were given a list of 30 tasks and asked who handles more of the list, mom or dad. The results…not surprising. The Cyber Truck has been popping up everywhere, and Anna has thoughts about them. Not particularly nice thoughts, but thoughts… Anna had a knock on her door and was shocked by who it…… Continue Reading
Paul’s Gifted Gym Class
Sometimes your spouse surprises you even though you’ve known each other forever… Anna’s husband made a revelation while watching the Olympics and Anna can’t stop giggling about it. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading