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The Anna & Raven Show: Katy Perry, Ice Cream Trucks and Lovey’s!

The Anna & Raven Show: Katy Perry, Ice Cream Trucks and Lovey’s!

Monday June 22nd, 2020. Anna’s Ice cream truck problems (0:00) Researchers found out women find men less attractive when they are holding…cats. (4:09) How was your Father’s Day? (6:30) All I need to know about you (9:53) Anna & Raven’s interview with Katy Perry (13:30) Got to give credit where credit is due! (21:25) Do…Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Tuesday June 16th

The Anna & Raven Show: Tuesday June 16th

Might be time to say ‘Goodbye’ to the blowout and hello to the ‘Bob’! (0:00) We talk to a gentleman of the Atlantic Treasure Club about treasure hunting and metal detectors. (3:30) All I need to know about you! (11:32) Covid has ruined another thing for all of us (14:45) The quarantine has affected some…Continue Reading

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