Recent Posts

The Anna & Raven Show: Bathroom Cleanliness, Scars and Duck Security
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 Moving an expensive piano (0:00) Using ducks as security? (7:27) All I need to know about you! (11:28) What a clean bathroom says about you (14:58) How did you get that scar? (18:38) A reading from the diary of Anna Zap. (26:52) Couples Court: Lisa’s mother passed away recently leaving her…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Anxiety, Hook-up Culture, And Flipping The Bird
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 Jun 30, 9:19 AM Is there a hook-up culture at your job? (0:00) All I need to know about you. (10:14) Anxiety! What makes you anxious!? (13:34) Flipping the bird (20:54) That’s MINE! (23:59) In today’s couples court, Ted had his girlfriend Elizabeth move in and she brought her cat. Ted…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Cell Phones, Toilets, And What The Shape Of Your Face Says About Your Looks!
Monday June 29th, 2020 Studies show that the measurements of a man’s face determine how attractive they are (0:00) Why did Anna’s GI doctor give her the boot? (3:56) All I need to know about you. (10:34) Does everyone really use their cell phone while in the bathroom? (13:18) We have all made mistakes in…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Day Drinking, The Best Part About Being A Kid and Unconventional Tasks
Friday June 26th, 2020 Ever use being sick as an excuse when you weren’t really sick? (0:00) What’s that unconventional task you ask your children to do? (3:38) All I need to know about you! (10:15) What is the best part about being a kid? We have the top five answers. (14:16) Is there a…… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven 6/26/20
Tom tried but Raven claims another victory in Can’t Beat Raven, raising the jackpot total to $600!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Elevator Troubles, Annoying Tasks & Life Advice With Hayden!
Thursday June 25th, 2020 Big name department stores are closing! (0:00) What are those annoying projects your spouse asked you to do? (2:46) That’s all I need to know about you. (10:02) Ever get stuck in an elevator? (13:05) New York, New Jersey & Connecticut have an announcement for anyone traveling to the tristate area.…… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven 6/25/20
Mary had a close game against Raven, but the man did it once again and raises tomorrow’s jackpot up to $500!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Fireworks, Portable Bathrooms, And Your First Summer Job!
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 Our first summer job (0:00) All I need to know about you! (9:34) It’s time for another reenactment from a post on the Nextdoor App (12:00) What is the hottest thing that people are buying right now? (16:52) What have you done that helped make you feel like thing’s are returning…… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven 6/24/20
Jennifer tried her best against Raven but just couldn’t get the victory. The jackpot climbs to $400!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Broccoli, Sleepwalking and Yard Work Without Shirts
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 We are proud of our Valedictorians, but Raven makes us look like old timers to these kids. (0:00) Is it cool for a guy to work with his shirt off outside? (2:28) What’s the longest you have been put on hold? (6:37) All I need to know about you (10:14) Do…… Continue Reading
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