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The Anna & Raven Show: Tipping, Legacy Contact And Car Troubles

The Anna & Raven Show: Tipping, Legacy Contact And Car Troubles

Tuesday September 29th, 2020 Do you tip the furniture delivery guy? If so, what is the etiquette when it comes to tipping? Etiquette coach Karen Thomas gives us some advice on how to handle tipping your delivery drivers. (0:00) Stealing signs and not using your blinkers on the road?! That’s all I need to know…Continue Reading

Underground Man Cave

Underground Man Cave

After a Man Cave was found under Grand Central Terminal, three MTA workers got in so big trouble for it! Do Anna & Raven have their own private nooks in their house?Continue Reading

Can Magnets Cure Depression?!

Can Magnets Cure Depression?!

Anna picked up a tabloid magazine the other day because of it’s many life hacks it had in it. One of those life hacks was claiming you can cure your depression by putting magnets on your face. Does it really work? She used Raven as her guinea pig to find out!Continue Reading

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