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The Anna & Raven Show: Ouija Boards, Strange Fears and Vampires

The Anna & Raven Show: Ouija Boards, Strange Fears and Vampires

Wednesday October 28th, 2020 Have you ever used a Ouija board before? You might think twice before using one once you hear some stories from Barry Pirro! (0:00) Crocktober continues and Anna is already tired of cooking with her crock-pot. She wishes Raven cooked some of the dishes, but he claims it’s his job to…Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven: Emily Is Up!

Can’t Beat Raven: Emily Is Up!

It is our largest ‘Can’t Beat Raven’ jackpot ever, and Emily was incredibly close to winning it all! Could you have gotten all five of these questions right today during Can’t Beat Raven?! Another shot at a now $2,600 jackpot happens tomorrow morning at 8:10am!Continue Reading

Crocktober: Dr. Pepper Ribs

Crocktober: Dr. Pepper Ribs

Anna cooks up some Dr. Pepper Ribs! Raven gives them a try below in our podcast! Wanna make them yourself? The recipe is below. Thank you to everyone who submitted this recipe! Dr. Pepper Ribs Ingredients: -Boneless country style pork ribs -Dr. Pepper soda (cherry Dr. Pepper is good, too!) -Barbeque Sauce Directions: -Place the…Continue Reading

Crocktober: Swedish Meatballs Over Egg Noodles

Crocktober: Swedish Meatballs Over Egg Noodles

Today’s Crocktober recipe was sent in to us by Jerry DiPierro. Thank you Jerry! Anna making Jerry’s recipe in her crock pot below! What did Raven think about it when he tried it? Listen right here! You can find the full recipe and directions below. Ingredients: -1 can of cream of mushroom soup low sodium…Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven!

Can’t Beat Raven!

It’s Laura Jean’s shot at the Can’t Beat Raven jackpot today! Could you have answered all five of today’s questions correctly?!Continue Reading

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