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The Anna & Raven Show: Raven’s First Baby Shower; Hallmark Movies; Why Can’t We Be Friends
Tuesday November 17th, 2020 75% of people eat the exact same thing for Thanksgiving dinner. But some people include some seriously WEIRD food in their feast. Oyster stuffing, Tomato Pudding, ANCHOVIES!? And you won’t believe what Anna’s Dad insists on eating on Turkey Day! Raven went to his first baby show over the weekend and…… Continue Reading

But Where Did It Come From?…
Anna got a gift for her 40th birthday that know she knows said they got for her…So she is asking everyone’s else out there if they know who sent it to her. Was it you?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Skipping Showers; Dad-ism’s; The Happy Birthday Song
Monday November 16th, 2020 What did you do this weekend that you didn’t get credit for? Raven raked the leaves and cut the grass this weekend, and his wife made sure she thanked him. But then, he did his neighbor a HUGE favor, and didn’t hear a word! Find out what he did in the…… Continue Reading

Ravens Big Loss
Anna is pretty excited that we finally have a winner for the “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot. Raven…not so much. At least Raven has some music to cheer him up!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Balding, Holiday Cooking Mishaps and Raven loses!
Friday November 13th, 2020 Are you afraid of going bald? No worries! You might be losing your hair, but a study shows by the time you hit a certain age, you are less likely to care about it. Find out what age it is right here! (0:00) Every year Oprah releases a list of her…… Continue Reading

We Finally Have A Winner!
We finally have a winner! Megan took Raven down this morning with the help of her two daughters Cora & Violet. Congratulations Megan! Don’t spend that $3,700 all in one place. #MeganBeatRaven… Continue Reading

It’s Almost That Time!…
It’s almost time for the Holiday’s! Anna & raven let you know what they are most excited for when this time of the year rolls around.… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Temper Tantrums; Good Advice; Bathroom Protocol
Thursday November 12th, 2020 Is there any way to get a 2-year-old to stop having tantrums!? Anna’s trying everything, including asking callers and a child psychologist! Some of the solutions they had may surprise you, get all the details in the podcast! (00:00) Lots of schools have strict rules about students arriving late, but would…… Continue Reading

Anna’s One Shot…
Anna wants to take a shot at the Can’t Beat Raven jackpot…with grapes. Even if she makes it, the boss won’t let her have the money. But lets see how she does anyways!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Animal Encounters; A Ticket You Deserved; Anna Does Stand Up
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 Anna and Raven have beef with two states, and it has nothing to do with the election! Everyone has a favorite Thanksgiving side, like mashed potatoes, stuffing, even cranberry sauce right? But Anna and Raven discovered that these two US states have straight up WEIRD favorite foods. Find out what in…… Continue Reading
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