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The Anna & Raven Show: Leftovers; Zoom Protocol; Thank You 2020
Wednesday November 25th, 2020 What’s the craziest thing your kid has wanted for Christmas? Anna’s daughter wanted a life-time supply of plastic straws last year (long story) but you won’t believe what she asked for this year! Was 2020 really that bad? Ok, yeah it definitely was. But that doesn’t mean it was…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Pie?!
Earlier this week raven made a joke about eating Anna’s pie she accidentally left at work…but was it really a joke?… Continue Reading

Raven Is Feeling Good About His Current Win Streak
Raven has been feeling real good about his current win streak. We wonder who has what it takes to be the next winner of Can’t Beat Raven! Will it be you?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Food Poisoning; Chef Plum Desserts; Don’t Judge Me
Tuesday November 24th, 2020 Have you ever had food poisoning before? Anna is cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the first time this year, and she’s terrified of poisoning her guests! Turns out there are three common ways that people can get food poisoning from Thanksgiving dinner. Find out what they are in the podcast! …… Continue Reading

Raven’s Dilemma
Raven has an issue that he needs your help solving…What do you think he should do? Take the pie, or leave it?!… Continue Reading

Anna’s Tap “Recital”
Anna finished her tap dancing class, and made Raven her audience for her “tap recital”… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Raven’s Report Card; Anna and Raven’s Shutdown Tips; Serial Winker
Friday November 20th, 2020 It’s a struggle that every parent faces during the holidays, and its likely been the catalyst for an argument or two! Anna and Raven talk about the one thing that is almost guaranteed to cause stress for parents across the country. Find out what in the podcast! (00:00) Are you a…… Continue Reading

Raven With The Swiftness Today
Raven answering all questions today with quick precision! Could you have gotten all five of these questions right? Think you can take this man down in Can’t Beat Raven?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: How To Cook A Turkey; Saved By The Bell; Tap Dancing
Thursday November 19th, 2020 Did you just sneeze?!?! With COVID numbers starting to spike again, Anna and Raven are noticing a rise in paranoia, even in themselves! Do you get startled when you hear someone cough or sneeze these days? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, wait til you hear what happened to Raven at a…… Continue Reading

Would You Still Eat This?
After cooking up some Thanksgiving goodies in the air fryer, we must ask, would you still eat this?… Continue Reading
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