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The Santa Tip Line Is Back!

The Santa Tip Line Is Back!

We brought back The Santa Tip Line! Know someone who has been exceptionally nice this year, or want to rat out someone who has been naughty? Call the Santa Tip Line and leave the big man a message, you might even hear your message on the air with Anna & Raven!Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

Every Wednesday we try to bring you a new technique to help melt away the stress in your life. Today involves drawing and your feet. We promise, it isn’t as weird as it sounds! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Rachel Beats Raven!

Rachel Beats Raven!

Congratulations to Rachel for beating Raven at his own game! She answered all five pop culture questions right today and it earned her a jackpot of $1,000! Don’t spend it all in one place!Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show:  Leftovers; Zoom Protocol; Thank You 2020

The Anna & Raven Show: Leftovers; Zoom Protocol; Thank You 2020

Wednesday November 25th, 2020   What’s the craziest thing your kid has wanted for Christmas?  Anna’s daughter wanted a life-time supply of plastic straws last year (long story) but you won’t believe what she asked for this year!   Was 2020 really that bad?  Ok, yeah it definitely was.  But that doesn’t mean it was…Continue Reading

Anna’s Pie?!

Anna’s Pie?!

Earlier this week raven made a joke about eating Anna’s pie she accidentally left at work…but was it really a joke?Continue Reading

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