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The Anna & Raven Show: Raven’s Report Card; Christmas Song Dissection; Is Anna Out Of Line?
Friday, Dec 18th, 2020 Self care is one thing, but if you spent all your money on YOURSELF instead of your kids this holiday season, that’s all I need to know about you! Full story in the podcast. Have you ever wondered what all of your favorite holiday songs are REALLY about? Some of…… Continue Reading

One More Day…
Tomorrow is the last day for “Can’t Beat Raven” until January 4th. Will someone win the $1,300 or will the jackpot carry over into the new year?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: 12 Days; Fear of Needles; Worst Xmas Songs
Thursday Dec 17th, 2020 What’s your LEAST favorite Christmas song? Anna and Raven go over a list of the worst Christmas songs of all time and Anna’s favorite song actually came in #1! Find out what it is in the podcast. Quarantine has made it a lot harder to do a lot of…… Continue Reading

ROBIN Thicke?!
Singer, songwriter and ACTOR?! Since when? 🤣 Sometimes Raven makes mistakes! Play #cantbeatraven tomorrow morning for a shot at $1,200 and cross your fingers that he slips up like this again!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Present You Never Got; Tree Animals; Professional Back Scratcher
Wednesday Dec 16th, 2020 Nobody respects our local police officers more than Anna and Raven, but if you arrest THIS guy during Christmas time, that’s all I need to know about you! Christmas songs are all wholesome, happy tunes right? But have you ever REALLY listened to what the songs are about? Like…… Continue Reading

Is This How You Wrap A Gift?!
Whether it’s for a display or not, Raven isn’t thrilled with Anna’s wrapping job or bow placement…How do you wrap presents?… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Snow Days; Gift Receipts; Fender Bender
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020 Have you ever realized how weird Christmas songs are? Like, listen to the lyrics, there’s some questionable stuff going on there! Anna and Raven dissect THIS Christmas song in the podcast! Mispronouncing a word happens to everyone. But if you mispronounce THIS, after being paid $350 to say it,…… Continue Reading

Was It Worth It?
Anna bought herself a vintage sweater and is currently second guessing her buy. What do you think?… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Vaccines; Mailboxes; Credit Due
Monday Dec 14th, 2020 The vaccines have arrived! Anna and Raven talk to Dr. Betina Fries, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Stonybrook U to find out all the specifics. Get your vaccine questions answered in the podcast! Relationships are hard, particularly during quarantine. But if you break up with someone…… Continue Reading

So Many Chips!
Thank you to Zapp’s Potato Chips for generously sending us some delicious potato chips! Disclaimer: Anna Zap and her family does not own the company! 🤣… Continue Reading
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