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Thursday, Jan 21, 2021: Organs, Songline, Roadside Treasure

Thursday, Jan 21, 2021: Organs, Songline, Roadside Treasure

When a new President starts their 1st term, the old President traditionally leaves them a note.  What would you put in a note to the next person to hold your job?  Anna and Raven read notes they wrote to their potential successors.  You won’t believe who Anna wants to take over for her! Have you…Continue Reading

Producer/Father Sean

Producer/Father Sean

Anna & Raven get all types of calls throughout the day and sometimes, they get ones that can throw them for a loop. Their producer Sean had to deal with one of those types of call earlier today. How did he handle it!? Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

The Mom Purse

The Mom Purse

Anna says every mother has a “Mom purse” that contains items to keep your children busy. What is Anna’s Mom purse? Let’s find out!Continue Reading

Monday, Jan. 18th, 2021: Dad Jokes; Chivalry; Nomophobia

Monday, Jan. 18th, 2021: Dad Jokes; Chivalry; Nomophobia

Anna’s husband Paul loves to tell a good dad joke to annoy their daughter Hayden. How will Hayden react to some of Paul’s newest additions to his book of dad jokes? Loud cars, no turn signals and driving recklessly!? That is certainly all I need to know about you! (3:02) Is Chivalry dead? Anna has…Continue Reading

Ravens Report Card

Ravens Report Card

Raven’s wife Alicia wasn’t allowed to eat for 36 hours this week because of a medical procedure. Was Raven kind and understanding, and suffer alongside his wife? Or did he eat tons of greasy food right in front of her?  Find out in Raven’s Report Card!Continue Reading

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