Recent Posts

Friday Jan 22, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Animal Encounter; Diet Coke
A man on Tiktok is going viral for doing a perfect impression of his teenage daughter, so Anna decided to do the same thing! Anna and her daughter Hayden do impressions of each other, and you won’t believe how accurate Hayden’s is! It’s one thing to care about your employees’ mental health, but if you…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Singalong Line Is Now Open!
The Anna & Raven Singalong line is now open! Just call 833-431-0905 and sing to your hearts content…Just don’t sing like Raven!… Continue Reading

CEO of MTN Matchmaking Maureen Tara Nelson Gives Some Tips on Finding Love During Quarantine!
Has single life been getting you down? Maureen Tara Nelson is the founder of MTN Matchmaking, Inc. and has some great tips for how to find love in a quarantine! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday, Jan 21, 2021: Organs, Songline, Roadside Treasure
When a new President starts their 1st term, the old President traditionally leaves them a note. What would you put in a note to the next person to hold your job? Anna and Raven read notes they wrote to their potential successors. You won’t believe who Anna wants to take over for her! Have you…… Continue Reading

Producer/Father Sean
Anna & Raven get all types of calls throughout the day and sometimes, they get ones that can throw them for a loop. Their producer Sean had to deal with one of those types of call earlier today. How did he handle it!? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Glitter; Quarantine Matchmaking
If a stranger asked you how something looked on them, would you be honest? Anna had this happen to her at Marshalls the other day, and how she reacted might surprise you! Winning the lottery would be great right? Right? Well, turns out there are 5 great reasons why you shouldn’t play the lottery, and…… Continue Reading

The Mom Purse
Anna says every mother has a “Mom purse” that contains items to keep your children busy. What is Anna’s Mom purse? Let’s find out!… Continue Reading

Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021: Costco Photo Funeral; Store Your Bread; How Did You Meet Your Spouse?
Mask fashion has become a thing in the last year, but If you wear a mask made out of THIS, that’s all I need to know about you! Did you ever see that George Clooney movie “Up in the Air”? The one where his whole job was just flying around the country firing people? Laurie…… Continue Reading

Monday, Jan. 18th, 2021: Dad Jokes; Chivalry; Nomophobia
Anna’s husband Paul loves to tell a good dad joke to annoy their daughter Hayden. How will Hayden react to some of Paul’s newest additions to his book of dad jokes? Loud cars, no turn signals and driving recklessly!? That is certainly all I need to know about you! (3:02) Is Chivalry dead? Anna has…… Continue Reading

Ravens Report Card
Raven’s wife Alicia wasn’t allowed to eat for 36 hours this week because of a medical procedure. Was Raven kind and understanding, and suffer alongside his wife? Or did he eat tons of greasy food right in front of her? Find out in Raven’s Report Card!… Continue Reading
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