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Anna Needs Your Help!
Raven has been on a win streak and his confidence is running high! Anna needs some help to take him down.… Continue Reading

Friday Jan 29th, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Bitcoin; Unfortunate Name
What do you think the #1 gift Mom’s want for Valentines Day is? Here’s a couple hints; it costs nothing, and you don’t have to do anything to get it. Can you guess what it is? Have you ever gotten a robo-call about your car’s extended warranty? Anna is sick of getting these calls, so…… Continue Reading

Are These Words Still Relevant?
Raven believes that these words are still being used! Do you use any of them on a daily basis?… Continue Reading

Thursday Jan 28th, 2021: Un-Dateable; Teen Slang; What Are You Addicted To?
How do you think people in other countries view America? Anna and Raven go over a list of what other countries think are the best AND worst things about America! Apparently, the rest of the world loves the Super Bowl, but hates racial inequality. Makes sense, but you’ll never guess what they hate the most!…… Continue Reading

Who Is Sexy Charlie?
Earlier this morning we talked about having imaginary friends as a child and as an adult. Then we learned about Ravens alter ego, which nobody was prepared for…… Continue Reading

Wednesday Jan 27th, 2021: Social Media Professionalism; Imaginary Friends; Mercury Retrograde
Have you ever paid too much for something? It happens to everybody but Anna and Raven couldn’t believe that Billie Eilish paid THIS for a box of fruit loops! Remote learning can be an inconvenience for kids and parents, but is there anything you like about it? Anna and Raven list the Top 5 things…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Are Having A Pen Problem…
Anna & Raven have been losing pens left and right and they think they know exactly who the cause of it all is…… Continue Reading

Tuesday Jan 26th, 2021: Do You Wear Your Wedding Ring?; Delivery Fees; Shower Direction
Do you have a piece of clothing that you never wear? Raven has a coat that he almost never wears, which is good because Anna thinks it makes him look like THIS! Do you struggle to get your kids to eat healthy? Anna definitely does, so she called in an expert! Ilana Eck is the…… Continue Reading

Sometimes It’s The Little Things That Can Drive You Crazy
Sometimes your spouse does something so little, but it still drives crazy! What things do Anna & Ravens spouse’s do that drive them crazy!?… Continue Reading

Monday Jan 25, 2021: Credit Due; Sneak In; Royal Stain Remover
Have you ever watched one of those “Trading Spouses” shows? Anna asked her husband if he would like to have Raven as a roommate, and Raven asked his wife Alicia what it would be like to live with Anna. Anna and Alicia would probably make great roommates if it wasn’t for this one SMALL detail!…… Continue Reading
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