Recent Posts

Thursday, Feb 11th, 2021: Parents Swearing; Concussion Discussion; Your Song
Is it ok to not tell your husband about something your child did? Anna’s two year old can be a handful, but when she did THIS to Anna’s husband’s computer, Anna wasn’t sure how to handle it! Everyone asks what they should get their significant other for Valentine’s Day, but what should you NOT get…… Continue Reading

Where Are The Thin Mints?
Anna brought in some girl scout cookies! Can you guess how long the thin mints lasted in Raven’s hands?… Continue Reading

Wednesday Feb 10th, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Shred Your Ex; Leave Britney Alone
Would you pay money to find out who’s stalking you on social media? A new app lets you do just that, for a price! Anna and Raven weigh the pro’s and cons, and Raven reveals just how little he knows about social media! What if you could boost your mood, just by talking to yourself…… Continue Reading

The Wheel of Romance!
Anna & Raven have spun the Wheel of Romance, and now have to do whatever it is they landed on for their spouse. What did they both get!?… Continue Reading

Tuesday Feb 9th, 2021: Wine Expert; Bulking Season; What Did You Hit?
After this whole GameStop drama, Anna wants to get into the stock market! Only problem is, she has no idea what she’s doing… Have you ever seen a married couple that’s been together so long, they’ve started to look alike? Turns out, there are actual scientific reasons for it! Anna and Raven take a look…… Continue Reading

We Have A “Can’t Beat Raven” Winner!
Congratulations to Linda & the post office crew! They finally stopped Raven’s win streak and made themselves $2,500 richer. 🤑 The “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot resets to $100 tomorrow morning.… Continue Reading

We Have A “Can’t Beat Raven” Winner!
Congratulations to Linda! Linda and the post office crew finally put a stop to Raven’s win streak and earned themselves $2,500! Would you have gotten any or all of these questions right?… Continue Reading

Right or Wrong?
Anna & Raven breakdown what Patrick Mahomes’ fiance had to say after the Super Bowl, and the question of whether or not their spouse would do the same for them.… Continue Reading

Monday Feb 8th, 2021: Credit Due; Streaker; Trick to Remember Something
Should the day after the Super Bowl be a holiday? Raven thinks so, and he’s got some ideas on how to make it happen! Anna doesn’t know much about football, but luckily Football Expert Tom Rock gave her 3 things she could say during the game to make it look like she knows what she’s…… Continue Reading

Ready for the Super Bowl Half-Time Show?
Are you ready for the Super Bowl half-time show!? The Anna & Raven team sure are!… Continue Reading
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