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Tik Tok Life Hacks That Work?
Earlier Anna & Raven tried some life hacks they saw on Tik Tok that didn’t quite work. They were determined to find some that would work so they looked up a few more! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday, Feb 19th, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Feelin’ Alive; TikTok Life Hacks
How you ever had a sleep-over as an adult? Like, with a friend, not the other way! Adult slumber parties have been trending recently, and Anna has some fun ideas about what she would do at asleep-over as a married adult! What life hack do you use that actually works? Tiktok life hacks have become…… Continue Reading

Could You Carry Me!?
Ashley Judd suffered a leg injury in the Congolese rain forest and had to be carried out, which makes us wonder…Could Anna & Raven carry one another out of the studio in an emergency situation?… Continue Reading

Thursday, Feb 18th, 2021: 7 Minutes Of Terror; Cameo Price Is Right; Stop Snitching
When was the last time you were terrified? Raven once got stuck on the top of a zipline because of a crying child, and you won’t believe what happened to Anna while she was climbing an actual waterfall! Have you ever gotten a Cameo? Cameos are private videos that you can hire celebrities to make…… Continue Reading

Center of Gravity
Does the center of gravity differ between men and women? Anna & Raven try out a Tik Tok trend to answer this question!… Continue Reading

Wednesday, Feb 17th, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Baked Alaska; My Apologies
Have you ever had Baked Alaska? Have you ever HEARD of Baked Alaska? It’s one of the most delicious, but least well known desserts out there, which made Anna and Raven wonder…what are the most underrated desserts? What if you could relieve stress and fall asleep faster, just by listening to your favorite songs? Well…… Continue Reading

Thank You Very Much Bob!
Anna & Raven typically fight over outlets here in the studio, but that’s a thing of the past thanks to a generous gift from a listener. Thank you Bob!… Continue Reading

Tuesday, Feb 16th, 2021: Torture Your Sibling; Weird Breakfast; Word You Mispronounce
What word do you always mispronounce? Anna has trouble saying “buffet”, but there’s one super common word that over 95% of people are mispronouncing! Find out what it is in the podcast! How do you get rid of household pests? Raven has had a family of rabbits messing up his yard for the last few…… Continue Reading

The Wheel of Romance Pt. 2
Dating expert Courtney Davis suggested some romantic options for Anna & Raven to do for their spouses! What did they both have to do? Watch and find out. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday, Feb 12th, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Worst Valentine’s Day; Wheel of Romance
Valentine’s Day can be a day of celebrating love, but it can also be a day of total misery! What happened on your WORST Valentines Day? Raven lost all of his furniture, and Anna might’ve broken the record for most McDonald’s eaten in a day! What is love? Everyone knows what it feels like, but…… Continue Reading
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