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Tik Tok Life Hacks That Work?

Tik Tok Life Hacks That Work?

Earlier Anna & Raven tried some life hacks they saw on Tik Tok that didn’t quite work. They were determined to find some that would work so they looked up a few more! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Could You Carry Me!?

Could You Carry Me!?

Ashley Judd suffered a leg injury in the Congolese rain forest and had to be carried out, which makes us wonder…Could Anna & Raven carry one another out of the studio in an emergency situation?Continue Reading

The Wheel of Romance Pt. 2

The Wheel of Romance Pt. 2

Dating expert Courtney Davis suggested some romantic options for Anna & Raven to do for their spouses! What did they both have to do? Watch and find out. Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

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