Recent Posts

Your First Dance During Your Wedding
We asked earlier this morning if you could remember your wedding song, but we are also curious of how your first dance went. Anna & Raven fill you in on what they did for theirs! Did they go above and beyond or keep their first dances simple? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday, March 1st, 2021: Credit Due; Time You Got Scammed; Remember Your Wedding Song?
What kind of peanut butter do you prefer? Believe it or not, a preference for smooth or crunchy may reveal something about your personality! What sounds of pre-pandemic life do you miss? Concerts? Crowded bars? Most of all Anna misses doing THIS at church ever Sunday! (1:49) Divorce and break-ups are hard, but if you…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Try On The Clothes They Had Gotten From WiBargain! How Do They Look!?
Anna & Raven wanted to try out some of the stuff they got from the WiBargain box! How do they look? Was it worth the buy?… Continue Reading

Friday, Feb 26th, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Next Door Theatre; Greatest Movie Ending
Have you ever been star-struck? Anna’s is friends with Comedian Lisa Lampanelli, and she STILL feels nervous when they get together. And you won’t believe what celebrity’s leather pants took Raven’s breath away! What’s your favorite piece of clothing that’s no longer in style? Anna was distraught after hearing that THIS piece of clothing is…… Continue Reading

Thursday, Feb 25th, 2021: Awkward First Date; Eat Your Vegetables; Your Spouse’s Job
If something was right in front of your face, warning you about imminent danger, would you just ignore it? Raven did, and the results weren’t pretty! Are you up to date with this week’s news? Anna has picked three news stories and it’s up to Raven to decide which one they talk about! What will…… Continue Reading

Wednesday, Feb 24th, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Parent Superpower; Chef at the Table
Have you ever wanted something so badly, just because you knew you couldn’t have it? Anna heard about THIS new invite-only app and she wants in! Have you ever taken a forest bath? Don’t worry, it’s not as gross as it sounds. Anna and Raven heard that it can help you calm down and promote…… Continue Reading

A Crazy News Story Leads To A Weird Question
A flight to Hawaii recently had an engine explode mid-flight which caused a lot of damage, but miraculously no injuries! Anna and Raven asked what their craziest plane story was, and what one entire plane saw on the tarmac caused a major freak out! Catch up with the podcast and what’s your craziest plane story?… Continue Reading

Tuesday, Feb 23rd, 2021: Binge vs. Weekly; Crazy Plane Stories; Childish Excuse
Do you prefer to binge watch new shows watch a weekly episode? Raven loves to watch an entire season of TV on a Saturday afternoon, but Anna thinks that one episode a week fits better with her schedule. What do you prefer? Anna and Raven put a poll on Facebook to find out! How much…… Continue Reading

The Lady Gaga Chromatica Oreo’s
Anna finally got her hands on some of the new Lady Gaga Chromatica Oreo’s! Do they live up to the hype!?… Continue Reading

Monday, Feb 22nd, 2021: Credit Due; Toothbrush Protocol; Friendly Break-ups
Typically, Anna is the superstitious one, while Raven is more of a pragmatist. That’s why Anna was so surprised when she noticed him wearing THIS this morning! A lot of people are eager to get the new vaccine, but if you do THIS to cut to the front of the line, that’s all I need…… Continue Reading
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