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Raven Celebrates International Women’s Day
The best way for Raven to celebrate International Women’s Day? By saying nice things to Anna of course!… Continue Reading

Monday, March 8th, 2021: Credit Due; Eating in Bed; Kid’s Names
If you could have any voice you want, who would it be? Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones were the most common responses, but Anna had someone else in mind…. It’s International Women’s Day! Who are the women who have inspired you? Anna and Raven asked around the office to find out which women influenced…… Continue Reading

But Does It Work?
There is never a shortage of new or unique ideas when it comes to Tik Tok, but this new method of cracking someone’s back seems unreal. Let’s see if it works as well as people claim it does! What is your go-to method to crack your back? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday, March 5th, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Hate Watch; Hide The Toys
Anna has a confession to make. She’s been doing something. Something that she has openly mocked in the past. Something that she has passed judgement on many people for doing. And she loves it. Do you have Zoom fatigue? Everyone has it to a degree, but true Zoom Fatigue isn’t just being frustrated at having…… Continue Reading

What Should We Do About This Picture?
We are curious as to what you think we should do about this picture… … Continue Reading

Thursday, March 4th, 2021: Easy Mom or Hard Mom?; Red Flags; Raven Picks’em
After the last year, did you ever think there were things you would miss about being in lockdown? Turns out a large of people amount of people feel that way though! Do you have good grammar? It’s National Grammar Day, and Anna wants to see how good Raven’s Grammar is, so she gives him a…… Continue Reading

Dumb Reasons To Get Into Trouble At School
Earlier this morning we asked you for the dumbest reason you’ve gotten in trouble in school. Anna & Raven just had to share their answers too! Would you have ever guessed they could be such rebels? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Dumb Reason You Got In Trouble; Weird Thing in Your Car
Are you a cat Person? Anna never has been, and won’t believe the reason why! Yesterday, Anna talked about how Tupperware Parties were responsible for the rise of Pyramid Scemes. Was she right? Well, kinda. Entrepreneurial expert Liz Dederer talks to Anna and Raven about the pros and cons of multi-level marketing! (2:35) Breaking into…… Continue Reading

What’s in Your Car?
Sometimes we keep thing’s in our vehicles that make perfect sense to have! Other times…not so much. We asked Raven to show us what he keeps in his car that would require some explanation!… Continue Reading

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021: When Did You Know It Was Over?; Xmas in March; Celebrity Bad Tipper
Do you still have a side part? All these youths on Tiktok are getting in Anna’s head, saying that the side part means you’re old! Anna decided to experiment with a middle part but it…didn’t exactly go as planned. Have you noticed that everybody seems to be selling something these days? Anna has noticed that…… Continue Reading
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