Recent Posts

Friday, March 12, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Unpacking Protocol; Man’s Best Meal
It’s tough to figure out good gifts for your kids, especially as they get older. Anna’s pre-teen has a birthday this weekend, and she thought she had found the perfect gift! Until something ruined it. And Anna knows exactly who’s to blame… Nobody likes being late and having to rush, but if you drive right…… Continue Reading

What TV Shows “Jumped the Shark”?
Spoiler warning!! Anna & Raven explain what shows the think “jumped the shark.”… Continue Reading

What Do You Do When You Finally Have Time Alone?
What do you do when you’re all alone? These days, personal quiet time is so rare! Do you binge watch your favorite shows? Over-eat? Anna and Raven share their favorite things to do when the spouse is out of the house!… Continue Reading

Thursday, March 11th, 2021: When You’re By Yourself; Weird Rules; Sauna Sweats Results
Who’s your celebrity crush? Anna didn’t think this celebrity was attractive for the longest time, until she saw him in a recent movie! Are you up to date on this week’s news? If not, Anna and Raven will get you up to speed! Anna picks three news stories from this week, and Raven picks one…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Review Sauna Suits
Anna & Raven may look like they belong is a 90’s music video, but we promise it’s for a product review and not style…😂… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Tips to Help You Sleep Away Corona-somnia
Lots of people have reported having trouble sleeping during the pandemic, turns out there are five things you should be eating/drinking before bed that will make sure you get some rest.… Continue Reading

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Anna Zap Out Of Line; Working From Home
After a year of quarantine, things are (hopefully) starting to look up. But Anna’s daughter has a very specific type of meal in mind for her birthday this weekend. Would you feel comfortable eating at a place like this during a pandemic? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you’re going spend your career…… Continue Reading

Anna Teaches Raven How To Curtsy
During their interview with Oprah, Meghan said she wasn’t aware she had to curtly for the Queen. Anna fancies herself a bit of a professional when it comes to this (thanks to watching “The Crown”) and wanted to teach Raven how.… Continue Reading

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021: Slumber Parties; Favorite Band; Morse Code
Although Olivia Wilde broke up with Jason Sudeikis, he still thanked her for the concept of his show “Ted Lasso.” Have you ever thanked an ex before? Anna & Raven wanted to thank their ex’s for something, and ironically it’s for the same exact thing! (0:00) Most likely your favorite band is someone you started…… Continue Reading

Allison Beats Raven!
Allison took Raven down this morning to win herself $1,900! That means the “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot resets to $100. Who will be the next person to win and claim the jackpot? Will it be you!?… Continue Reading
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