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Anna & Raven Begin A New Tradition Today!
We are kicking off a new tradition here that’ll happen every Friday. It’s Fortune Cookie Friday! Will these tasty little cookies give us any wisdom going into the weekend!? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Ravens Report Card: Will Ravens Early Night Effect His Grade This Week?
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in and gives Raven a grade based on how good of a husband he was! What kind of grade would you give your spouse if they passed out at your 40th birthday? Because that’s exactly what happened last weekend!… Continue Reading

Friday March 19, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Unpopular Opinion; Silverware Protocol
Good news, Disney Land is opening back up! Yay!!! But there’s some bad news too. It’s only open to California residents, and there’s another restriction that’s even worse! Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in and gives Raven a grade based on how good of a husband he was! What kind of grade would you…… Continue Reading

Will the March Madness Tips Given to Anna Work in Her Benefit?
Tom Rock gave Anna three tips to make her sound like she knows what she is talking about when it comes to March Madness, so we wanted to see if these tips would work! They seem solid enough, right?… Continue Reading

Don’t Know Much About March Madness? Sports Writer Tom Rock Has Got You Covered!
March Madness kicks off today! Or is it tip off? If you’re clueless about college basketball like Anna is, don’t worry, Sportswriter Tom Rock has three tips of what you can say to sound smart! … Continue Reading

Thursday, March 18th, 2021: March Gladness Begins!; Raven Picks ’em; Dumb Parent Moment
Do you share your passwords for streaming sites? No judgement, it feels like everyone has a few these days! Netflix is starting to crack down on password sharing, and Anna actually thinks it’s a good thing! Do you stay friends with someone after a breakup? Some experts say that may not be the healthiest option. …… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s March Gladness
March Madness is here but we’re doing March Gladness! Thanks for helping us choose what makes you the most happy!… Continue Reading

What Are Half Of These Marshmallows Suppose To Be?
We had Producer Sean count all the marshmallows in a Lucky Charms cereal box. We found out there was 247 total, but we question what half of these shapes are. Do you know? Because they look nothing like they do on the box… Image Source: Getty images… Continue Reading

Do You Think You Know Everything There Is To Know About Leprechauns?
Leprechauns are fun, kind, merry creatures right? Wrong! Anna and Raven did some intense research, and discovered something terrifying! Spoiler Alert: The research involved asking elementary school students. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!; Irish Proverbs; Weird Smells
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Anna is excited, because she finally has a reason to use this box of Lucky Charms that has been in the studio for months (don’t ask). But she’s not planning on eating it, she’s got something else in mind! What’s your favorite Irish saying or proverb? Anna and Raven asked around…… Continue Reading
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