Recent Posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Lovey; Your Spot
How do you know when you’ve gotten old? Anna considers herself a millennial, but Raven insists that she’s a couple years too late. So, Anna found an article about how you can tell if you’re old! And if you’ve said one or more of these phrases recently, you might be over the hill! (:30) Raven…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Mother Day Melodies
Want to do something different and special this year for your mother or wife this Mother’s Day? Got to, click on “Mother’s Day Melody” and let us know why your mom or wife is so awesome and Producer Jon will write a song for her! Here is a little sample of what it could…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Fill You In On What’s Trending!
Are you up to date on what’s trending? Don’t worry, Anna and Raven have already read the entire internet, and can get you up to speed! This morning the current trends are; Pink Super-moon, Google Maps, and Cashiers. Why? Anna and Raven will explain!… Continue Reading

Rebecca Beat Raven For The $3,600 Jackpot!
Here it is! Rebecca’s glorious win against Raven this morning. Rebecca won herself a total of $3,600 by knowing her pop culture trivia! Who will be our next winner!?… Continue Reading

Tuesday, April 27, 2021: Mother’s Day Melody; Divorce Announcement; Your Ambulance Ride
Saturday Night Live has a long history of controversial guests, from actors and comedians, to political figures and world leaders! So why does this latest guest announcement upset everyone so much? Anna and Raven decided to investigate…(:30) Do you want to do something special for your mom this Mother’s Day? Anna and Raven know exactly…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s “Would You Rather” Monday!
It’s time for another question for “Would You Rather Monday”. Today’s question hits a little close to home for Raven! Which of these two options would you choose and why?… Continue Reading

Anna & Rave: The Best Or Worst Thing To Happen Over The Weekend
What’s the best thing that happened to you this weekend? What about the worst? Anna & Raven want to hear about both! Raven had a great family dinner with some relatives he hadn’t seen in a while, but Anna’s nice family weekend was disrupted when she accidentally did something ridiculous with her daughter’s brand new…… Continue Reading

Monday: April 26, 2021: Oscar Recap; Engagement Ring Protocol; Fake Covid Card
When a loved one passes, making a decision about what to do with their ashes can be very emotional. Attention and care should be taken to make sure that a person’s remains are treated with respect. Which was why Anna was shocked when she read about what one man did with his father’s ashes! (:30)…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Fortune Cookie Friday!
It’s time to see what our weekend has in store for us by putting our faith in these delicious fortune cookies!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Was Raven Helpful Enough This Week To Earn Himself A Good Grade?
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he has been as a husband this week! This week, Raven and Alicia threw a surprise party for his mom. Was Raven helpful and supportive, or did he leave Alicia to plan his own mother’s birthday? Well, it…… Continue Reading
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