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Anna & Rave: The Best Or Worst Thing To Happen Over The Weekend

Anna & Rave: The Best Or Worst Thing To Happen Over The Weekend

What’s the best thing that happened to you this weekend? What about the worst? Anna & Raven want to hear about both! Raven had a great family dinner with some relatives he hadn’t seen in a while, but Anna’s nice family weekend was disrupted when she accidentally did something ridiculous with her daughter’s brand new…Continue Reading

Kids Describe The “Best Picture” Nominee’s

Kids Describe The “Best Picture” Nominee’s

Most “Best Picture” nominee’s are artsy, serious movies that no one has actually seen. Anna and Raven certainly haven’t and they don’t know what most of them are about! So they asked bunch of little kids to describe the movies for them. The kids don’t know what the movies are about either, but that just…Continue Reading

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