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Anna & Raven: Mother’s Day Melody!

Anna & Raven: Mother’s Day Melody!

Do you want to do something special for your mom this Mother’s Day? Anna and Raven know exactly how to make her day special! Go to and click on Mother’s Day Melody to have Producer Jon write a custom made song for your mom! Check out the podcast for a sample of what your…Continue Reading

Wednesday, April 28, 2021:  Wellness Wednesday; Lovey; Your Spot

Wednesday, April 28, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Lovey; Your Spot

How do you know when you’ve gotten old?  Anna considers herself a millennial, but Raven insists that she’s a couple years too late.  So, Anna found an article about how you can tell if you’re old!  And if you’ve said one or more of these phrases recently, you might be over the hill! (:30) Raven…Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Mother Day Melodies

Anna & Raven’s Mother Day Melodies

Want to do something different and special this year for your mother or wife this Mother’s Day? Got to, click on “Mother’s Day Melody” and let us know why your mom or wife is so awesome and Producer Jon will write a song for her! Here is a little sample of what it could…Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Fill You In On What’s Trending!

Anna & Raven Fill You In On What’s Trending!

Are you up to date on what’s trending? Don’t worry, Anna and Raven have already read the entire internet, and can get you up to speed! This morning the current trends are; Pink Super-moon, Google Maps, and Cashiers. Why? Anna and Raven will explain!Continue Reading

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