Recent Posts

Anna & Raven: Raven Demands To Be Re-measured!
The guys demanded to be re-measured because Raven doesn’t think Anna did it accurately this morning. Will trying a different method add or take away a few inches to their height!?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Wellness Wednesday: Eye Yoga!?
Have you ever heard of eye yoga? Sir Paul McCartney said it’s the reason he still doesn’t need glasses, so Anna and Raven put it to the test! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday May 19th 2021: Wellness Wednesday; How Tall Are You Really?; What They Should Teach In School
If you got to pick your last words, what would they be? Anna read DMX’s last words, and she’s convinced he must’ve planned them in advance! (:30) Do you trust “the honor system”? With most vaccine rules relying on the honor system, Anna and Raven spoke to behavioral expert Dr. Michael Cunningham to see if…… Continue Reading

Is There Ever A Good Reason For Someone To Buy THIS!?
Is there ever a good reason to buy this for your dog besides the reason Raven has? 🤔… Continue Reading

Five Calls Say It All: Anna’s Celebrity Run-In
Anna sat at a table next to one of the most famous people in the world on Saturday! Is she crazy for not asking for a picture or was that the respectful thing to do?… Continue Reading

Tuesday May 18, 2021: Impulse Buy; Unknown Expiration Date; Did You Get A Picture?
Lots of restaurants and businesses around the country are offering free stuff in exchange for showing your vaccine card, but Anna thinks they have ulterior motives! (:30) What was your last impulse buy? Anna just booked a trip to Disney World and she’s so excited! Now she just has to figure out how to tell…… Continue Reading

What Do You Do When You Forget To Do This?
Anna forgot to do something before she left for work this morning, which is something we are all probably guilty of! What do you do when you forget to do this though? What should Anna have done?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Best Or Worst!
What’s the best thing that happened to you this weekend? What about the worst? Anna spent a night at the casino and an unexpected event happening there led her to be star struck and have the best night ever! What was the best or worst thing to happen to you over the weekend?… Continue Reading

Monday May 17, 2021: Best And Worst This Weekend; Where Do You Keep Your Money; Joe Biden’s Venmo
Anna has a weird job and it’s not uncommon for her to hear about people she doesn’t know talking about her. But when her husband told her about what some of the guys at a construction site were saying about her, she wished he had just kept his mouth shut! (:30) Are you up to…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Fortune Cookie Friday!
It’s that time of the week where we let a tiny cookie tell us what we can expect throughout our weekend! More importantly though, will our cookies be stale? Let’s find out!… Continue Reading
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