Recent Posts
Friday, April 23, 2021: Raven’s Report Card; Oscar Interview Face-Off; Mommy Margaritas
What’s your policy on hand-me-downs? When Anna’s tween was a baby, she refused all hand-me-downs! Her baby was only going to have the newest, most stylish apparel! Now, with her second baby, she’s a little less worried about it… (:30) Anna and Raven have had a competition going all week. Who can get the most…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Producers Are Dressed For Success!
Have you ever heard the phrase “Dress for the job you want”? Producer Sean and Producer Jon dressed up today to see if they would be more productive, but Anna & Raven have some other ideas of what they look like they are dressed up for. What do you think?… Continue Reading
Kids Describe The “Best Picture” Nominee’s
Most “Best Picture” nominee’s are artsy, serious movies that no one has actually seen. Anna and Raven certainly haven’t and they don’t know what most of them are about! So they asked bunch of little kids to describe the movies for them. The kids don’t know what the movies are about either, but that just…… Continue Reading
Thursday April 22, 2021: Raven Picks ’Em; Oscar Snubs; Dress For The Job You Want
Online scammers have been preying on the elderly since the invention of the internet, but after hearing how much money one 90 year old woman gave to scammers, Anna was left wondering where this woman’s grandchildren are! (:30) They say that dressing up for work increases your productivity. Unfortunately for the last year, most of…… Continue Reading
Anna Is Picky About The Fruit In Her Fruit Salad
Is Anna right or wrong here? Do you have a specific fruit you avoid when you eat a fruit salad? Although Anna won’t touch this fruit, it didn’t stop Raven from doing so and it may have been a bad choice…… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: Exercise Motivations!
What motivates you to work out? This Wellness Wednesday, Anna and Raven decided to look up some helpful tips on how to stay on your diet and exercise plan this season! Just don’t use the one they found that involves posting inappropriate pictures on your water bottle…… Continue Reading
Wednesday April 21, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; Bad Review Massage Parlor; Reply All Roulette
Do you like surprise parties? Raven threw a big surprise party for his mom, but Anna was wondering if he asked his mom first. Raven thought that was ridiculous, but Anna has strong feelings about surprise parties…(:30) What motivates you to work out? As Spring arrives, lots of people are heading back to the gym…… Continue Reading
Anna And Her New Billie Eilish Jeans
In her pursuit to be “The Cool Mom”, Anna bought herself a pair of Billie Eilish jeans to keep up with the latest style. Her only question, do they even make her look cool?… Continue Reading
How To Deal With Your Child’s Tantrums With Child Psychologist Dr. Joe Schippa
Are you dealing with an out of control toddler? Anna’s two-year old gives her a run for her money on a daily basis, so she called in an expert to help! Dr. Joe Schippa is a child psychologist who has some tips on how to manage effectively manage the terrible two’s!… Continue Reading
Tuesday April 20, 2021: Your Strange Injury; Oscar Interview Challenge; Sean’s Weird Drink
What’s your sign? That’s a common question at the beginning of a relationship, but it also has a lot to do with how relationship ends too! Anna found an article about the different ways each astrological sign gets bored in a relationship and Raven thinks that Anna’s sign describes her perfectly! (:30) Are you dealing…… Continue Reading