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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Tell Raven About Your Childhood Fears…
We talked about childhood dreams that affect you still, and this is why you should never tell Raven your childhood fears…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: A Dream To Remember
Did you ever have a dream as a child that was so traumatizing that you remember it now? One caller’s dream was not only creepy but might’ve also been a premonition that saved his life!… Continue Reading

Wednesday June 23, 2021: Wellness Wednesday; What’s Easier When You’re Older; Creepiest Dream Ever
How much money would it take for you to give up social media forever? A recent study asked this exact question, and Anna couldn’t believe how high the figure was for some people! (:30) Getting old can be hard, but what get’s easier as you get older? Anna feels like she has more confidence in…… Continue Reading

Raven Got His Own Prize For Losing!
Thank you to everyone at the Post Office for sending these sweet gifts! Goes to show you that Raven can be defeated! Who will beat Raven next? And will they send Raven a t-shirt for his loss like the Post Office did? 🤣🤣 … Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: Dogs VS Mail Carrier’s
Every year, 5,800 postal workers get attacked by dogs! Anna and Raven spoke to Amazon Driver Trainer Chris, about the secrets behind minimizing dog attacks as a delivery driver…and what they’re taught to do is surprising! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday June 22, 2021: Adopt and Rescue!; Your Kid’s Obsession; The Time You Walked Out
Raven’s wife came back from a trip to California yesterday, and she had a great time except for the plane ride! Anna and Raven reveal their least favorite forms of transportation. (:15) Every year, 5,800 postal workers get attacked by dogs! Anna and Raven spoke to Amazon Driver Trainer Chris, about the secrets behind minimizing…… Continue Reading

Walking Out Of A Job
40% of Americans are expected to quit their jobs in the upcoming year. The number one thing you’re supposed to do when quitting? Give two weeks notice, when didn’t you give notice and left your job hanging?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Monday June 21st, 2021: What’s Trending; Quitting Your Job; Ridiculous House Rules
Anna has been having troubles with her phone and doesn’t know if it something she has done or if it’s Russian hackers. You be the judge. (0:30) What is trending? We have everything that happened over the weekend that you may have missed that is trending and being talking about right now! (3:56) If you…… Continue Reading

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!
We found a list of the thing that dads can do that mothers can’t, and Anna wants to prove that she can do everything on that list better! Who do you think did better!? Anna or Producer Jon?… Continue Reading

According To Your Kids, What Does Their Dad Do!?
Does your child know what their father does for a living? How about asking them what their favorite food he can cook is? Surprisingly, most of the answers aren’t what you expect. Hear them all in the podcast!… Continue Reading
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