Recent Posts

Thursday July 1, 2021: Karen Identity Theft; Professional Marriage Perks; Dating Low Point
The beginning of the pandemic marked a big boom in the tattoo industry, but now Tattoo removal is all the rage! Anna and Raven talk about which one of their (many!) tattoos they would get removed. (:30) Fireworks season can be a tough time for your pets, but Dr. Stephanie Austin from Bond Vet has…… Continue Reading

Anna Doesn’t Have A Favorite WHAT!?
Raven can’t believe Anna does have a favorite one of these! How could you NOT have a favorite!?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Weird Job Titles!
When someone asks you what you do for a living, what do you say? According to, changing your title could mean a better salary. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Wednesday June 30, 2021: What Went Down In An Elevator; Wellness Wednesday; Cinematic Inspiration
Anna and Raven can’t wait to see the fireworks this weekend, but there’s one annoying habit a lot of people have while watching fireworks that Anna hopes she never has to see again! (:15) What crazy thing happened to you in an elevator? It doesn’t have to be a story about getting stuck, one caller…… Continue Reading

AC Still Broke! Time To Embrace It And Dance!
Its day two with no air conditioning and Producer Sean is still wearing tank tops. Instead of complaining about either, we decided to embrace it! Hit the music! 🤣… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: The “Special Day” You Celebrate
Everyone celebrates birthdays and holidays but what’s the random date you celebrate? Raven has a slightly inappropriate date that he celebrates at a Denny’s!… Continue Reading

Tuesday June 29, 2021: Hottest or Coldest Job; Random Celebrations; Awkward Gift Openings
What’s the line between helpful and rude? Anna spoke to a woman over the weekend who was very rude to her, but also ended up being a bit helpful too! (:30) Everyone celebrates birthday’s and holidays but what’s the random date you celebrate? Raven has a slightly inappropriate date that he celebrates at a Denny’s! …… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Adopt & Rescue: Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center
Anna & Raven’s Adopt & Rescue event at Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center was a huge success! Thanks to your support, almost 50 cats and dogs were adopted into their forever homes 🐾 … Continue Reading

Is This Appropriate Work Attire?
Our boss said we can come in to work dressed comfortably because the AC units had broken down. Producer Sean came in dressed like THIS, and we want to know if you think its appropriate work attire.… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: It’s All Your Fault!
A woman holding a huge cardboard sign stepped into the traffic and caused a major biking accident at the Tour de France and it was certainly all her fault! So, what about that time that something was all your fault?! What happened? Listen to hear all the mistakes made, including one that cost a construction…… Continue Reading
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