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Monday July 12, 2021: Summer Camp Stories; Best Or Worst; Thieving Neighbor
Have you ever had someone send you a text that was meant for someone else? It happened to Anna but the text was so ominous that now she’s determined to figure out the story behind it! (:15) Are you up to date on this week’s trends? Anna saw her father cry for the first time…… Continue Reading

The Unexpected Thing You Keep In Your Fridge
What unexpected thing do you have in your fridge? Raven’s wife always has 6 types of peppers in the fridge, and won’t believe how many types of milk Producer Jon keeps stocked!… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: What Do You Look For?
When you check out someone of the opposite sex, what physical attributes grab your attention? Raven insists that what one person said he found attractive is actually a sign that the woman is a witch.… Continue Reading

Five Calls Says It All! Returning Tupperware
Are you a Tupperware thief? Anna never returns Tupperware, if you gave it to her it belongs to her now! Turns out there are specific rules to what you are and are not supposed to return, but Anna and Raven are going to let the callers decide! 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

When PDA Is Just Too Much!
Being in new relationship is an exciting feeling. But Anna thought the couple at the table next to her’s last night was taking it way too far! Is she prude or do you agree? Images Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Fortune Cookie Friday: Fourth Of July Edition!
Anna’s fortune today goes perfectly with the holiday weekend coming up! What are some of your best (or worst) fortunes you’ve gotten from a fortune cookie?… Continue Reading

The Gas Shortage At Gas Stations
You may have heard that there is a shortage of gas at gas stations. Patrick De Haan from the GasBuddy app discusses what is causing the shortage, and whether you should be worried about being stranded on your road trip.… Continue Reading

Friday July 2, 2021: Firework Failures; Mommy’s Margarita Friday; Red, White and Blue Food
Everyone knows that the most important part of a road trip is the snacks right? Anna and Raven share the top 3 most healthy road trip snacks, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually going to eat any of them! (:30) Kids love to eat food with a theme and this weekend the theme is Red…… Continue Reading

How Raven Comforts His Dogs…
With The Fourth of July right around the corner, you can expect a lot of fireworks. How does Raven comfort his dogs during this stressful time? He gives us an inside look!… Continue Reading

Dating Low Points
Dating has a lot of ups and downs, but what was the lowest point in your dating life? One caller walked in on her ex cheating on her, and he ended up suing her- You’ll never believe for what. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading
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