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Wednesday July 28, 2021: Just Not That Into You; Japan-Tastic; The Producer Olympics!
Just because you’re not an Olympian doesn’t mean you don’t have mad skillz! Anna and Raven talk about the normal everyday activities that they would earn a gold medal in! (:17) The Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-tastic! Today in crazy Olympic news, Anna and Raven talk about why Russia isn’t playing their own national…… Continue Reading

The Producer Olympics: Coffee Break Obstacle Course
It’s Producer Jon against Producer Sean! Who can make it through the obstacle course the fastest without spilling a single drop of coffee!?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Japantastic!
The Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-tastic! The biggest, ridiculous stories out of Tokyo including what bikini bottoms and Pink have in common.… Continue Reading

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Japan-Tastic!; How To Make Friends; Appropriate Texting Time
Raven’s acting funny this morning. He’s tense, hyper and anxious, but it has nothing to do with caffeine… (:17) How do you make friends as an adult? Anna read a stat about the number of adults who say they have no close friends, and she couldn’t believe how high it was! (3:32) Parents deserve to…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s ‘Would You Rather’
Would you say today’s question is an easy choice? No matter what you think of both options, the first one would still be funny to see Raven try…… Continue Reading

The Olympics: Everything You Need To Know!
The Olympics are underway and Anna and Raven have the 3 things you need to know to get up to speed! Unfortunately, Anna believes that one of them is a source of shame for our great country!… Continue Reading

Monday July 26, 2021: Best Or Worst; Producer Olympics; Horrible House Guest
Anna did something over the weekend that she hadn’t done since before the pandemic! But strangely, the thing that she noticed the most about the experience, was the smell… (:15) Have you ever gotten so mad at a company that you’ve wanted to write a letter? Anna’s harrowing experience with an airline last weekend has…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven 2021 Producer Olympics
Monday is the start of The Anna & Raven 2021 Producer Olympics! But what are Olympic Games without an annual running of the torch? Is producer Sean up for the task!?… Continue Reading

Pick’em News: Destroying History
A 19-year-old girl crashed into a house and you’ll never believe what her reasoning was for the accident, or the significance of the house she crashed into! One thing is for sure, it’s almost impossible to believe how old the house is and how it’s still around after all these years. Get all the details…… Continue Reading

Olympic Hall Of Famer Kristine Lilly Heavey!
What’s cooler than the Olympic’s!? Talking to Olympic Hall of Famer and professional soccer player Kristine Lilly Heavey! Her list of accomplishments are astonishing! Kristine shares her thoughts on this years Olympics, her time competing in them and playing soccer!… Continue Reading
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