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Raven’s Report Card: Did Raven Step Up After Alicia’s Injury!?
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how good of a husband he was that week! This week, Alicia has been dealing with a mysterious foot injury, which could have been Raven’s chance to step up and earn himself an “A”! But did he?… Continue Reading

Friday July 30, 2021: How You Won A Trophy; Raven’s Report Card; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Suni Lee won gold, and Anna and Raven couldn’t be happier for her! But they could be a little happier about how they found out about it… (:15) Zoos are for animals, not people. And if you are still jumping into the cages of apex predators in the year 2021 that’s all I need to…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Try Skeet Shooting!
In honor of the Olympics, we wanted to do a little skeet shooting! Who do you think will hit the most targets?’… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Producer Olympics
We’ve pinned Producer Jon against Producer Sean all week in Producer tasks, and the winner will take home the gold! Today’s task; make a 30 second commercial for a fake event. The event may be fake, but these commercials will make you wish it was real! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday July 29, 2021: Do You Lie To Your Doctor; Producer Olympics; Anna’s Bathing Habits
If you had $116 just lying around, you would probably spend it right? Turns out, most people DO have this much money just sitting there, and they don’t ever use it! (:30) It’s the Producer Olympics! While the greatest athletes in the world compete in Tokyo, Producer Jon and Producer Sean compete for the glory…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Have A Dance Off!
To celebrate the fact that break dancing will now be an Olympic sport, we decided to have a dance off! Let us know who you think the winner is in the comments!… Continue Reading

Japantastic! Anna & Raven’s Coverage Of The 2021 Olympic Games
The Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-tastic! Today in crazy Olympic news, Anna and Raven talk about why Russia isn’t playing their own national anthem, and what we in the US might use as an alternative anthem! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday July 28, 2021: Just Not That Into You; Japan-Tastic; The Producer Olympics!
Just because you’re not an Olympian doesn’t mean you don’t have mad skillz! Anna and Raven talk about the normal everyday activities that they would earn a gold medal in! (:17) The Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-tastic! Today in crazy Olympic news, Anna and Raven talk about why Russia isn’t playing their own national…… Continue Reading

The Producer Olympics: Coffee Break Obstacle Course
It’s Producer Jon against Producer Sean! Who can make it through the obstacle course the fastest without spilling a single drop of coffee!?… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Japantastic!
The Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-tastic! The biggest, ridiculous stories out of Tokyo including what bikini bottoms and Pink have in common.… Continue Reading
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