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Anna & Raven’s Would You Rather!
Which would you choose!? Today’s question also comes with some unique thing’s you probably didn’t know about!… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Japantastic: Celebration Injuries
Irish Olympic boxer Aidan Walsh did something after winning a bronze medal that cost him the rest of the Olympic games…and truthfully, you probably would have done the exact same thing. How did you injure yourself when you were celebrating?! Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday August 4, 2021: Celebratory Injury; Gross Dorm Rooms; Wellness Wednesday
Getting take-out or delivery is one of life’s best small pleasures. But up to 1/3rd of people out there are ordering take out and not even eating it, for the most ridiculous reason ever! (:30) Have you ever celebrated so hard that you actually hurt yourself? Irish boxer Aidan Walsh secured a bronze medal, but…… Continue Reading

The Art Of Speed Walking
Should speed walking be considered an Olympic sport? Raven and Producer Jon race one another to get some first-hand experience and make the judgement call of considering it a worthy Olympic sport or not…… Continue Reading

Catching A Cat Is Easy, Right!?
A cat made its way onto the field during the Yankees and Orioles game on Monday, and you won’t believe how many people it took to get it off the field! The big question is, who was the crowd really cheering for? The Yankees or the cat?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday August 3, 2021: Useless Apps; The Producer Olympics; After You Win The Gold
Happy 40th Birthday MTV! To coincide with Music Television’s 40th, Rolling Stone released a list of the top forty music videos of all time, but Anna and Raven think that some of the choices are controversial! (:30) Waiting on a call-back from a doctor can be stressful, but if you scream the f-word right in…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Try Fencing!
Since we are covering the Olympics, we thought it would be fitting to try some of the Olympic Games out! Today, we tried fencing. Who would you say is the real victor here!?… Continue Reading

Japantastic: The Crazy Thing’s Going On In the Olympics!
This year’s Olympics aren’t just great, they’re Japan-Tastic! Anna and Raven discuss the wackiest things coming out of the Tokyo games, including the reason that athletes are encouraged to drink alone! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday August 2, 2021: Raven’s MRI; What Makes You Lazy; The Producer Olympics
Anna has a hidden talent. She thinks this talent makes her unique and creative, but Raven just finds it dangerous and slightly disgusting. (:30) It’s the Producer Olympics! While the greatest athletes in the world compete in Tokyo, Producer Jon and Producer Sean compete to name random songs the fastest! (4:30) Are you up to…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Fortune Cookie Friday!
We got two wonderful fortunes today! But who do you believe got the better of the two? And is Anna’s statement at the end right? 😂 Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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