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Thursday September 2, 2021: Fake News Almanac; Weird Doctors; How Crazy Are You?
What’s your favorite month of the year? A recent poll showed that February is everyone’s least favorite month, but Anna was surprised how close one of her favorite months came to coming in last! (:30) Have you ever wanted to ride one of the scooters at the grocery store? Anna had a tense run in…… Continue Reading

Pictures From The First Day Of School
Anna wanted a picture of her daughter on her first day of seventh grade and got this instead. 🤣🤣… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: The Bonnarro Cancellation
What were you supposed to go to that had gotten cancelled? Bonnaroo was cancelled due to Hurricane Ida., and you’ll never believe how far and how much money they spent just to go to this concert!… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 1, 2021: Milk Crate Catastrophes; Fight A Mountain Lion; Cancellation Crisis
What tax do you personally impose? It may not be an official government tax, but any parent who has picked up fast food for their kid knows all about the Fry Tax! (:30) What dumb and dangerous thing did you do as a kid? The Milk Crate Challenge has been banned from TikTok for being…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s “Would You Rather”
Time for another “Would You Rather” question! Which of the two would you have picked!?… Continue Reading

The Lottery Ticket Debate
If you buy a lottery ticket for someone as a gift, do you they owe a portion of the winnings? Anna bought her niece a winner, and now Raven has some controversial opinions about how to split the money!… Continue Reading

Tuesday August 31, 2021: Split Your Lottery Ticket; Raven Breakin’ The Law; National Toy Shortage
How long do you wait in line for something before you just give up and leave? Anna was at an amusement park over the weekend, and she couldn’t believe the line behavior of not one, but two families! (:30) What if adults walked around acting like toddlers? Anna noticed that her toddler runs everywhere, and…… Continue Reading

If Adults Acted Like Children…
What would happen if it was totally normal for an adult to behave like a toddler? 🤣 Anna & Raven are pretty spot on with their examples! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

That Cheap Thing About Your Partner…
What’s the cheapest thing your significant other does? Anna couldn’t believe the incredible lengths her friend’s husband will go to save money on things as simple as groceries!… Continue Reading

Monday August 30, 2021: Subtly Insulting Phrases; Cheap Spouse; Worst Decision You Can Make
Are the kind of person who would follow a band on tour? One woman has gone to literally thousands of Bruce Springsteen shows, but after hearing her story, Anna’s not sure it was worth it! (:30) Are you up to date with the latest trending news? Anna has got three trending news stories to go…… Continue Reading
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