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What Was Your Biggest Prize!?

What Was Your Biggest Prize!?

Anna did some research on Nick Fradiani’s net worth and Nick said what you find is not at all what it seems, but he did get a sweet car from American Idol! So, we asked you about your biggest “win” and some of these stories made us downright jealous! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Q & A With Nick Fradiani!

Q & A With Nick Fradiani!

American Idol winner Nick Fradiani is guest hosting this week, so Anna decided to let the listeners ask him some questions. Most questions are normal inquiries about celebrity life, but one listener wants to know how Nick would stack up in a fight against another American Idol alum!Continue Reading

Worn In Or Worn Out?

Worn In Or Worn Out?

Is there such thing as an article of clothing that is so old, it needs to get thrown out? Or is it better when it’s worn in? Either way, we think Producer Sean has had this for far too long!Continue Reading

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