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Wednesday September 8, 2021: How Much Did You Win; Remembering Names; Nick’s Weird Poster
Anna reflects on a rumor she heard about cruise lines and Nick isn’t so sure that the rumor is true… (:30) Remembering names can be incredibly difficult sometimes, so we reached out to writer Leah Kemerling who has some amazing tips to help you keep anyone’s name fresh in your memory! (3:26) What do The Matrix,…… Continue Reading

What Was Your Biggest Prize!?
Anna did some research on Nick Fradiani’s net worth and Nick said what you find is not at all what it seems, but he did get a sweet car from American Idol! So, we asked you about your biggest “win” and some of these stories made us downright jealous! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Q & A With Nick Fradiani!
American Idol winner Nick Fradiani is guest hosting this week, so Anna decided to let the listeners ask him some questions. Most questions are normal inquiries about celebrity life, but one listener wants to know how Nick would stack up in a fight against another American Idol alum!… Continue Reading

Nick Fradiani’s First Morning With Anna!
It was Nick Fradiani’s first morning co-hosting with Anna today, so we needed to know what he learned and how the overall experience was for him!… Continue Reading

Tuesday September 7, 2021: Guest Host Nick Fradiani!; Live Performance Protocol; How to Act Around Famous People
Raven is on vacation this week, so Anna is being joined by her good friend, American Idol winner Nick Fradiani! Naturally, she uses this opportunity to get some good celebrity gossip! (:30) Most people start their day with caffeine, so if you’re one of the rare few who don’t and you can’t shut up about…… Continue Reading

Raven Is Going On Vacation, So We Have A Special Guest All Next Week!
Raven is going on vacation and wanted to tell you about the special guest who will be co-hosting with Anna while he is away!… Continue Reading

Analyzing Your Dreams With A Dream Analyst
Do nightmare actually mean anything, or are they just random and scary for no reason? Sleep analyst Tzivia Gover explains the psychology behind bad dreams and what you could learn from them! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday September 3, 2021: Free Endorsements; Scare Off Boyfriend; Potty Break
Practical jokes are great, but this Simpsons-esque prank that somebody pulled at a school board meeting might be the greatest of all time! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in and gives Raven a grade based on how good of a husband he was that week! Raven is going on vacation next week, and…… Continue Reading

Worn In Or Worn Out?
Is there such thing as an article of clothing that is so old, it needs to get thrown out? Or is it better when it’s worn in? Either way, we think Producer Sean has had this for far too long!… Continue Reading

Hayden’s Scooter Problem…
Anna’s tween, Hayden, was almost run over by someone in a Walmart, but Anna believes that this happens often and isn’t a fluke. Get the whole story. … Continue Reading
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