Recent Posts

Tuesday September 14, 2021: Raven Returns; Over-tip Uber; Highway Hazard
Raven has returned from his vacation at the new Disney World Star Wars park. He had fun, but he definitely made a few key mistakes that impacted his trip! (:30) The Met Gala was last night, which is basically a big costume party for rich and famous adults. But all the coverage of the event…… Continue Reading

The Smell Of Celebrities…
Anna was curious about how the celebrity judges on American Idol smelled. Luckily, Nick Fradiani is here to answer her questions! But what about Nick? What does he smell like?! Anna had to find out for herself!… Continue Reading

Sorry, But You Didn’t Get The Job
Not getting the job you interview for is tough, but not knowing why you didn’t get the job makes it much worse! Catch up with the stories of times people didn’t get the job, including one that someone thinks it had to do with their hair style!… Continue Reading

Monday September 13, 2021: Nick’s Last Day; Didn’t Get The Job; What You Shoved Up Your Nose
Anna was curious about how the celebrity judges on American Idol smell. Luckily, Nick Fradiani has answers for her! (:30) Nick Fradiani once tried out for a tv musical but didn’t get the gig. When did you not get the job you wanted? (2:49) Too busy to keep up with what is going on? We got…… Continue Reading

Never Forget
What was it like for the first responders on 9/11? Ed Smith, a Port Authority officer, shares his story of not only what it was like to work in the pit after the collapse but how he helped build the towers years earlier. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Weekend Plans With Nick Fradiani!
With the weekend finally here, we wondered what someone as famous as Nick Fradiani will do! What plans do you have this weekend?… Continue Reading

Friday September 10, 2021: 9/11 First responder; Where Did You Get Lost; Father-in-Law at the Bachelor Party
What is Nick’s “go to” song to get the crowd amped? Also, what song is Nick getting tired of playing? (:30) If you do THIS to open an English muffin, that is all I need to know about you! (2:19) Anna got lost on her first day of school when she was just three-years-old, and…… Continue Reading

I’ll Take A Check Please!
What was the worst first date you have ever been on? You won’t believe what a woman went out in just to meet a guy for a first date! Was it even worth it for her? Was your first date better or worse than hers?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Nick Talk Mean Celebrities
Anna & Nick Fradiani reflect on a celebrity they both know. In fact, Anna use to work for this person!… Continue Reading

Thursday September 9, 2021: Sibling Struggles; First Date Drama; Parting Gifts
Millennials are complaining about how things were better “back in the day”, and some of these things have us scratching our heads! (:30) What was the absolute worst thing your sibling has ever done to you? Does your story hold a candle to what Anna or Nick has done to their siblings!? (3:07) Sometimes it’s…… Continue Reading
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