Recent Posts

Friday September 24, 2021: Mommy’s Margarita Friday; Little Big Hurt; Greatest Speech Ever
Are you the type of person who finds the freshest milk at the grocery store? Anna realized that there was a way to find the freshest bread too, without even checking the expiration! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in and gives him a grade on how good of a husband he was that week. This…… Continue Reading

Did Anna Win Big On A Scratch Ticket!?
Anna was feeling lucky, so she bought a scratch off ticket with the hopes of winning big! Did she win anything at all?! What was the most you have ever won on a scratch off?… Continue Reading

Thursday September 23, 2021: Hack Your Registry; Parental Gift Card Protocol; Man Camping
Many companies across the country are making changes to be more environmentally conscious. But one famous American company is making a change to a staple of many of our childhoods! (:30) Anna’s got 3 crazy news stories, and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! Today his options are; A contractor gone wild, the…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Behavior Correction
After Raven said something he shouldn’t have, we decided to correct his behavior by making him do something that we were suggested to try. Will Raven make it all the way through or learn his lesson?… Continue Reading

Go To Your Room!
Disciplining your children is tough! What’s too much? What’s too little? Will they even care or listen? What is the most effective way to correct behavior? Your calls were… insightful.… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 22, 2021: Proper Discipline; Wellness Wednesday; Lackluster Lunch Box
Do you have a collection? Anna read a study that a surprisingly large number of Americans collect some really weird things! Raven claims that he doesn’t collect anything himself, but Anna can think of a few things… (:30) How do you effectively disciple your kids? Anna has been told by multiple child psychologists that many…… Continue Reading

The Producers Try The Intuition Challenge
There is a new challenge that is supposed to test how well you and another person work together, and how in sync you are with each other. We wanted to test the challenge with producer Sean and producer Jon to see if they are a team, or far from it!… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Sunday Night Football Theme!
Move over Carrie Underwood! Anna & Raven have a new Sunday Night Football theme that’ll rock your socks off!… Continue Reading

Monday September 20, 2021: Why Did You Cry; Raven Breakin’ the Law; Your Crazy Ex
The name Karen has gotten a bad rep. Acting like a Karen isn’t cool, but that doesn’t mean that everyone named Karen acts that way! Does it….? (:30) Are you up to date on all the news from last nights Emmy’s? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on all the trending stories, including…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven: Your Crazy Ex Stories
Have you ever had an ex who did something completely insane? You won’t believe what Raven’s ex-wife did to his car!… Continue Reading
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