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Would You Look At The Time!

Would You Look At The Time!

How do you know when it’s time to leave? As someone who grew up in the restaurant industry, Anna can tell when the waitstaff is eager for you to leave but it can be harder to tell when it’s time to leave a friend’s party!Continue Reading

Joey Okesson: Going Gold?!

Joey Okesson: Going Gold?!

19-year-old Joey Okesson is the youngest member of the US Snowboarding team, he’s an Olympic hopeful. What does the path to the Olympics look like? Catch up with the podcast! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Raven Gets A New Tattoo

Raven Gets A New Tattoo

Anna thinks it’s time for Raven to get a new tattoo, or cover up one of his existing ones. So, she took it upon herself to design a brand new tattoo for him…Continue Reading

What Do You Typically Forget?

What Do You Typically Forget?

Is there something that you can never remember? Anna can never remember how many years she’s been married, but she has a foolproof plan she uses to make sure he never finds out…Continue Reading

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