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The Anna and Raven Roadshow

The Anna and Raven Roadshow

The Anna and Raven Roadshow is back! Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auction will be appraising items from Darlene and Joshua! Some of these items are worth way more than what you thought!Photo Credit: JoshuaContinue Reading

The Anna and Raven Roadshow

The Anna and Raven Roadshow

The Anna and Raven Roadshow is back! Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auction will be appraising items from Chris, Maryjo and Jim, as well as Sue! Some of these items are worth WAY more than you may think!Photo Credit: Maryjo and JimContinue Reading

Weird Things At The Gym

Weird Things At The Gym

Producer Julie takes her hot chai tea with her to the gym and gets strange looks, but she thinks it is no different than an energy drink! Anna disagrees and thinks it’s bizarre!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Words To Live By!

Words To Live By!

Jamie Fox says he lives by the three words “No Bad Dayz” since he got sick. The team went around the room to share what their three words to live by would be, Anna wants to switch hers!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

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