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How Sour Can They Be!?
A four-year-old in Australia burned a hole in her tongue while eating Warheads sour candy. Can they really be that bad!? We figured the only way to know, is to try! Here is how it went…… Continue Reading

The Dinosaur Incident With Anna’s Toddler
Anna’s toddler Dakota had a small incident at school, but the worst part for her was her husband’s reaction… Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Happy Veteran’s Day!
Thanking all our veterans and active service members by reminding people why they’re better than us…in song. Check it out! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday November 11, 2021: Veterans Are Awesome; Your Big Decision; Parental Lies
Do you let your pets sleep in the bed with you? As with most things, Anna and Raven have completely different feelings on the subject! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! Today his options are; a teacher who got political, police engaged in a low-speed…… Continue Reading

It Smells Like The Ocean!
Anna couldn’t believe the lie that this bottle of cleaning product was trying to sell. Where do they even come up with these scents!?… Continue Reading

Wednesday November 10, 2021: Anna’s Driving Test; Thank You Cards; Lost and Found
A new bathroom is being installed at Anna and Raven’s offices and Anna is wondering why public bathroom technology hasn’t advanced more than it has at this point? (:15) Everyone has had to deal with a lot of shortages this year, whether it’s toilet paper, sanitizer, or even chicken wings! But when Anna heard that…… Continue Reading

Was It Worth The Buy?
All holiday season we will try a new product that is going to be this year’s hottest item to buy! The Theragun is a popular one this year, but since we decided to not spend the money on an official one, we went with a knock-off! Cheap version or not, was it worth the buy!?… Continue Reading

Tuesday November 9, 2021: Who Don’t You Trust; Anna’s Parking Problem; Dating Anacronyms
What do you use your dish washer for? Washing dishes right? It’s right there in the name. But Anna recently read an article that said 1 in 6 people use their dish washer for something disgusting! (:15) One of the biggest gifts this holiday season is the Theragun, a powerful massager that can be used…… Continue Reading

Anna’s “Parking Ticket”
Someone left a bogus ticket on Anna’s car about her parking and it lists a number of things she may (or may not have) done when she parked! Let’s go over this ticket and see where Anna is actually guilty…… Continue Reading

Five Calls Say It All: The Parking Spot
Raven is furious that someone keeps parking in his self-claimed parking spot. Is there such thing as having your own spot in a public parking lot? What was the consensus? Find out in the podcast!… Continue Reading
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