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Anna & Raven’s Sunday Night Football Theme!
Move over Carrie Underwood! Anna & Raven have a new Sunday Night Football theme that’ll rock your socks off!… Continue Reading
Monday September 20, 2021: Why Did You Cry; Raven Breakin’ the Law; Your Crazy Ex
The name Karen has gotten a bad rep. Acting like a Karen isn’t cool, but that doesn’t mean that everyone named Karen acts that way! Does it….? (:30) Are you up to date on all the news from last nights Emmy’s? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on all the trending stories, including…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven: Your Crazy Ex Stories
Have you ever had an ex who did something completely insane? You won’t believe what Raven’s ex-wife did to his car!… Continue Reading
What Are Anna & Raven’s Trademark Looks?
Anna said that her red lipstick is her trademark! It’s what she is best known for! But what does Anna think Raven’s signature look is? Also, what is your signature look you are known for?… Continue Reading
Anna Educates Her Daughter Hayden
Anna has some bad news that required her to step into a role as an educator for her daughter Hayden…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven: Inappropriate Flirting
46% of men admit they have flirted with one of their wife’s friends! Raven is not surprised after he heard about what his wife’s cousin did to her! Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading
Thursday September 16, 2021: Raven Pick’s Em; Inappropriate Flirting; Merge Parties
When you go through a break up, do you get rid of all photos of your ex on social media? Anna noticed that two celebrities have purged all trace of their equally famous exes from their account! (:30) Anna’s got three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! His options…… Continue Reading
What To Do With The Disney Coin?
Anna was given a very generous gift and wasn’t sure what to do with it at first! But she may have finally found the perfect place for it…… Continue Reading
How Many Push-ups Can Raven Do!?
A study said that 53% of Americans admit they can’t do more than ten push-ups! Is Raven apart of that 53%!?… Continue Reading
You Shouldn’t Say That!
Ever slip up and say a bad word around your child, and now you can’t get them to stop repeating it? Child psychologist Dr. Joe Schippa explains how to get your kids to stop swearing… or whether you should just let them!… Continue Reading