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How Do You Put Lights Onto You Christmas Tree!?
Is there a right or wrong way to puts lights onto your Christmas tree? Anna heard some new ways and decided to give a new one a try this year! But did it work out the way she wanted it to? How do you decorate your tree!? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Santa Tip Line Has Returned!
The Santa Tip Line is back. You can call Santa anytime and let him know who’s been naughty or nice this year. You can even hear your message played on the air with Anna & Raven! Are today’s callers making the naughty or nice list? What do you think!?… Continue Reading

Monday November 29th, 2021: The Santa Tip Line Returns; Mean Kids; How To Decorate A Tree
The internet is never short of new challenges, but we found one that really intrigued us called “The Urban Dictionary Challenge”. (0:30) The Santa Tip Line is back, and we already have calls flooding in! (2:32) If you do this to a server at a restaurant while your spouse is around, that’s all I need…… Continue Reading

From Anna & Raven To You…
We have a very special message for you! Can you guess what it is…… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Thanksgiving Edition
How can you pace yourself while eating all that delicious food tomorrow? Fit Body Vibe’s Amy Llinas has some great tips for you to get your fill without feeling sick.… Continue Reading

Wednesday November 24th, 2021: Unique Traditions; Thanksgiving Sides; Thanksgiving Dinner Time
Anna had an awkward conversation with someone at a store about her leg brace of all things. This person made a strange suggestion to Anna that might upset a lot of people… (0:00) Anna got a text last night from what she considers to be her worst holiday guest. Who are the worst guests at…… Continue Reading

A New Thanksgiving Song
There aren’t many (good) Thanksgiving songs out there, so we tasked Producer Jon to write a brand new one! Tell us what you think! Should we add anything to it?… Continue Reading

The Perfect Stuffing With Food Network’s Chef Plum
All stuffing is pretty much the same right? Wrong! Chef Plum from the Food Network has some great ideas to spice up this classic Thanksgiving side! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

November 23, 2021: The Kid’s Table; Chef Plum’s Thanksgiving Tips; A New Thanksgiving Song
It’s a depressing thought, but if your significant other passed away, how long would you wait to move on? Would you? Anna has encouraged her husband to move on if something were to happen to her, but she’s not sure she’d want to if it was the other way around! (:15) Traveling during Thanksgiving is…… Continue Reading

Proper Turkey Cooking With Chef Plum
Food poisoning during Thanksgiving is the highest of the year! What are the main things to do so your whole family isn’t sick this year? The number one thing is probably something you never thought of. Catch up with our podcast with Chef Plum from the Food Network.… Continue Reading
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