Recent Posts

Raven VS The Man With The Moustache
Raven spoke to a contractor recently, and his moustache seemed to do all the talking! Are moustaches intimidating? Are they even attractive? We asked our mustached producer, Sean, about his experience with having a moustache and you’ll be surprised what he says people do to him on a weekly basis!… Continue Reading

How To Raise Kids Who Aren’t A-Holes” With Author Melissa Wenner Moyer
Raising a child to be a decent member of society is tough for a parent, so author Melinda Wenner Moyer has pointers based on her book “How To Raise Kids Who Aren’t A-Holes” to share parenting tips to help raise a child who isn’t…well, an a-hole.… Continue Reading

A Real Life Grinch
Pranks are one thing, but if you steal THIS from a disabled Veteran at Christmas time, that’s all I need to know about you! Get the full story in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Animals VS Christmas Trees
A viral video featuring a raccoon in a Christmas tree has been going around. Have you ever had an issue with an animal (domestic or not!) and a Christmas tree? You won’t believe what happened with a cuddly Koala bear! Get the full story in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Christmas Song Operation
Have you ever realized how weird Christmas songs are? Like, listen to the lyrics, there’s some questionable stuff going on there! Anna and Raven dissect THIS Christmas song in the podcast!… Continue Reading

Conducting A Search…
According to the police officer on the Internet, it’s our job to search our kid’s rooms at least every six months. Anna searched her daughter Hayden’s room, and what she found isn’t what she expected at all…… Continue Reading

Avoiding Porch Pirates
How do you make sure your deliveries don’t get stolen off your doorstep? Amazon Manager Andrew gives you the best tips on what to do!… Continue Reading

What’s On Anna & Raven’s Christmas Wish List?
What does everyone from the show want from Santa this year? Hopefully we were nice enough to get everything we want! 🤣#wishlist #christmas #presents #naughtyornice #gifts… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Will The Streak Continue?
Raven has been on a role recently and has been getting great grades from Alicia, but will a current heating unit being installed leave holes in Raven’s grade this week like the construction crew has been leaving holes in their house?… Continue Reading

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer As Told By Kids
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is a holiday classic, so you must know the whole story, right!? We asked kids to explain his story to you in case you need a refresher, and we think they hit the nail on the head…sort of. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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