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Anna & Raven Rename Facebook
Facebook will be getting a new name soon, so who better to get ideas from than us! What would you name Facebook if given the opportunity?… Continue Reading
Pet Costumes: Worth It Or Not Worth It?
Americans spend $490 million for their pet’s Halloween costumes! But, do your pets like it?! Turns out there’s one costume that your pets hate the most, have you put your dog in it?!📸Getty Images 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Thursday October 21, 2021: Inappropriate Decorations; Dog Costumes; Your Last Meal
Going to work isn’t always fun, but what if you could work remotely from some of the most beautiful locations in the world? One company is starting a program that does just that for their employees, and Anna thinks every workplace should do this! (:15) Anna’s got three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna…… Continue Reading
Anna’s ACL Injury
Anna may have torn her ACL while she was doing her Leprechaun jumps, and people keep asking her what Leprechaun jumps even are! Luckily, Raven is kind enough to demonstrate…Sort of… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: The Miracle Fruit!
Hangovers, bad breath, weight loss, and so much more! You should consider working this fruit into your diet because of its amazing benefits! The craziest part? You probably didn’t even know it was a fruit. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Wednesday October 20, 2021: Raffle Winner; Parents Set You Up; Wellness Wednesday
How thoroughly are you really cleaning your house? The average American admits to using 5 cleaning shortcuts to give the appearance of a clean house, instead of actually cleaning it! (:15) If you won a charity raffle, would you keep the money or donate it back to the charity? Anna and Raven are having a…… Continue Reading
Tuesday October 19, 2021: Crazy Interview Question; Your Last Nightmare; Bathroom Knocks
Social media and the Elderly rarely work together well. Anna’s Dad recently fell victim to a common Facebook virus, but the way he handled it made it so much worse! (:30) Elon Musk is once again the richest person in the world, so who better to take career advice from? Anna and Raven talk about…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Worst Nightmares!
Squid Games and Raven’s dogs; what do they have in common? They both give Anna & Raven nightmares! Anna & Raven have nightmare triggers, but what was the last nightmare you had?!… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Thoughts On Aggressive Selling
Raven has a lot to say about who he thinks are the most aggressive sales people. Do you agree? Who do you think are the most aggressive sales people?… Continue Reading
Monday October 18, 2021: Overrated Dessert; Why Is It Trending; School Picture Day
Why do we force the elderly to stop doing things that they love? The Queen of England is in her mid-nineties and has lived a full life, so why are doctors telling her she can’t have this one indulgence anymore? (:30) Is there such a thing as an appropriate amount of time to be engaged? …… Continue Reading