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Anna’s “Studio” Tour
Since Anna is broadcasting from home, she wants to give you a tour of what her home studio looks like!… Continue Reading

What Do The Stars Say Will Happen In 2022?
Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike says the gravitational pull of the moon can be affecting your mood. Plus, a breakdown of what the stars say will happen in 2022. Oh, and there’s a specific date that things will really get better, find out what it is so you can put in on your calendar in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Tuesday January 11, 2022: The Secret to Leftovers; Couch Hobbies; Astrologer Anne
Would you live in a haunted house? What if that haunted house was owned by a comedy legend? Anna looked up the stats and she was surprised to learn that 1/3rd of people (including Raven) actually would! (:30) It can be awkward to be a guy in a Victoria’s Secret, but if you make it…… Continue Reading

Skating By Depression
Middle-aged depression is common, but how do you combat? A doctor found that doing this one activity (that your teen probably does) has great health benefits. Find out what it is and why it works in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Monday January 10, 2022: Life’s Little Luxuries; Too Embarrassed to Return; Dry January
How do you reheat pizza? The microwave and the oven are the most common methods but Anna’s father (who owns multiple Italian restaurants) has a method that is both remarkably effective and messy! (:25) We lost America’s grandma with the passing of Betty White a few weeks ago and now, especially for ‘90’s kids, we’ve…… Continue Reading

Soundtrack To Your Life
Cobra Kai couldn’t play certain songs on the show due to financial reasons. It’s a song that is so good, it should be the soundtrack to our lives! If you could pick one song to be the soundtrack to your life, what would it be?! Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday January 7, 2022: Your Therapy; If You Could Marry An Object; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
What’s the best diet you’ve ever done? Anna is always looking for a new way to lose a couple pounds and the simplicity of Raven new fitness plan is driving her crazy! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how good a husband he was that week! Raven…… Continue Reading

Thursday January 6, 2022: What You Do For Fun; The NYC Wing-Woman; Are You Dating A Narcissist?
Finding a Covid test has been one of the biggest difficulties this winter for most Americans. Anna’s husband Paul recently bought an at home test and actually had someone stalking him for it outside in the parking lot! (:30) Are you having a tough time dealing with the rules of dating in 2022? Anna and…… Continue Reading

Dating in 2022 With NYC Wing Woman Cher Gopman
Has the pandemic made dating difficult, or easier? NYC Wing Woman Cher Gopman weighs in on what you might be able to expect while trying to date in the new year, and you might be surprised at just how people’s priorities have changed. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna’s Trick To Clearing A Stuffy Nose
A Tik Tok trend has kids shoving garlic cloves up their nose to help clear a stuffy nose, which doctors highly advise against. Luckily, Anna has a much better (and safer) method for you!… Continue Reading
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