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Clothes Your Spouse Hates…
Raven came to work wearing his wife’s least favorite shirt. He doesn’t see what the big deal about it is! What do you think of it? Feel free to let Raven know on our Facebook page!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Question
Raven has been watching Alicia’s “trashy” tv shows forever, but now that his new obsession is slightly questionable for a grown man, will it affect his grade as a husband? Raven’s Report Card! Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Tattoo Or No Tattoo!?
We had an interesting Couple’s Court this morning which leads us to a great question for you! Feel free to answer it on our Facebook! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

Big Changes To The SAT’s
Big changes to how students take the SATs are coming. Anna’s feeling a bit sad since these changes could have helped her years ago… she only scored an 880. But what happens when Anna quizzes Raven on some common SAT vocab? Do you know them? Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday January 26, 2022: Get Your Kids To Eat; Break Up Songs; Wellness Wednesday
It’s gone too far. There isn’t a single company anymore that doesn’t ask people to do this and Anna thinks that it’s gotten stalkerish… (:30) If you could do something simple to improve your child’s mental and physical health, you would do it right? Well, it turns out that Anna has been telling her husband…… Continue Reading

Tuesday January 25, 2022: Fired or Not; Secret Purchase; How Do You Argue?
Have you ever eaten something expired? It happens and usually it’s no big deal, but have you ever eaten something that was as old as what Anna ate? (:30) New York real estate is some of the most expensive in the country. But Professor Jason Barr has an unconventional solution to lower the cost of…… Continue Reading

Monday January 24, 2022: Sorry Server; Home Alone; Why Did It Have To Be Snakes
What do you do when a friend gets a bad haircut? Anna is in that situation right now, but Raven thinks he knows exactly what she should do! (:30) Have you ever wished you could eat and drive at the same time? Well that’s a dangerous idea and you shouldn’t do it, BUT there’s a…… Continue Reading

Home Alone Stories
Raven has a pretty amazing story from a time he was left home alone when he was younger! DO you have a home alone story and does it top Raven’s!?… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Is Raven In The Doghouse?
Raven’s wife, Alicia, has been dress shopping for their upcoming wedding renewal and found the perfect solution… that may cost Raven more than he wanted, and there was a haircut-gone-wrong situation with their dog- It was a busy week at Raven’s house but how did he handle it as a husband? Catch up with “Raven’s…… Continue Reading

Friday January 21, 2022: School Lunch Memories; The New Apple Watch Commercial; Your First Job
Celebrity dating life is always a topic of interest in pop culture, but Anna isn’t sure why nobody is calling out this famous couple for what is clearly toxic behavior! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade based on how well he’s done as a husband that week! After…… Continue Reading
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