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Bagels With Butter AND Cream Cheese!?

Bagels With Butter AND Cream Cheese!?

We haven’t heard of anyone putting butter on their bagel with cream cheese until recently, so we want to see what all the fuss is about! Is it as good as people have made it out to be? We’ll be the judge! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

The Bologna Face Mask

The Bologna Face Mask

Oscar Mayer is selling a five dollar bologna face mask! It doesn’t sound like the most efficient way to clean your face, but we are giving it a shot anyways. Well, Producer Sean is at least. What’s his verdict?Continue Reading

The Gift Of Song

The Gift Of Song

Need to get your loved one a gift for Valentine’s Day? How about the gift of a free song! Producer Jon will write a love song for your special someone every day this week! You can listen to today’s song on the podcast and get ready to tell us about your significant other tomorrow!Continue Reading

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