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Friday February 18, 2022: Time You Took A Bribe; Raven’s Report Card; Screen Time Tips
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and Anna is getting festive! But if you’re planning on making Corned Beef this year, make sure you don’t make the same mistake she did… (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week,…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven try The Whisper Challenge
Can Anna correctly guess what Raven is saying to her just by reading his lips? Will she even get close!? 🤣… Continue Reading

Yay-Jing: Blame It On Grandpa!
One of the biggest stories from the 2022 Winter Olympics is that of Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva and her failed drug test. Her excuse though has us wondering one thing, what did your grandpa give you? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Teach Yoga!?
Ever heard of the “Sun Salutation” pose? According to an expert, this yoga pose will help you live forever, and we want to teach you how to do it…Sort of.… Continue Reading

All I Need To Know About You: The Purse
Anna couldn’t help but stare at something she saw in a woman’s purse… because all she could think was “That’s all I need to know about you”. Check it out in the podcast! Your turn, just fill in the blank, if you __ that’s all I need to know about you!… Continue Reading

Better Than An Olympic Athlete!?
It’s said that Olympic Figure Skaters spend years training to spin perfectly. Can Producer Sean spin like a figure skater and still do his job!? If yes, than he might be in the next Winter Olympics…… Continue Reading

The Bathroom Incident: Is Anna Zap Out Of Line?
While out shopping, Anna’s three-year-old daughter wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom. Anna took matters into her own hands, was she out of line for what she did? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Monday February 14, 2022: SB Commercials; V-Day for Singles; Anna and Raven Match Game
Break-up’s are tough but is it actually possible to die from a broken heart? According to an article Anna read, it could really happen! (:30) The Super Bowl Half-Time Show is meant to be a spectacle, so if you’re that person who’s complaining about it not being “real” that’s all I need to know about…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven are making a movie!
Anna & Raven are making a movie! We have teamed up with Gemelli Films to bring our Christmas movie to life. You can be part of the movie magic too. Click here for more info.… Continue Reading

Never Too Late For Love
No Valentine, no problem! The NYC Wing Woman Cher Gopman has an unlikely idea to meet up with someone new today! 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
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