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Anna Is Watching “The Godfather”!
Anna said she has never seen “The Godfather”, so we tasked her to watch the entire film! How is it going so far? What does she think of it?… Continue Reading

Booking A Hotel Room – 101
Have you ever thought about what floor of the hotel you’re supposed to stay on? According to Lloyd Figgins, CEO of The TRIP Group, it can make a huge difference in your personal safety!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday February 28, 2022: An Offer Anna Can’t Refuse; Hotel Nightmare; Worst Meal Ever
Engagement rings obviously come with a lot of expectations, but would you ever consider giving your significant other a promise ring? Anna read an article that promise rings have started to become more popular, especially with one specific part of the population! (:30) Anna hasn’t seen a lot of famous movies, but now that one…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Doggy Drama
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. Unfortunately, their dog is headed for a second surgery. How did Raven handle the news (and the bill) and did it affect his grade? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Who Has The Better Nicholson Impersonation?
Producer Sean told us a story about how he once met Jack Nicholson, and he did a spot-on impersonation of him! But who has the better Nicholson impersonation?…… Continue Reading

Anna Needs Your Help!
A toddler has been diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called “uncombable hair”. Yes, it’s a real thing! Anna struggles with it when it comes to her three-year-old Dakota. Listen to the podcast to find out everything Anna has tried and let her know if there is anything that’ll help make combing her hair easier.… Continue Reading

The Pillow Fight
There is actually a Pillow Fighting League now! What better way to celebrate it than pin our producers against one another in a pillow fight!?… Continue Reading

We Need A Date Night!
What do you consider to be a date? Anna wasn’t thrilled when she asked her husband if they could have a date night and he told her that they’ve had two date nights every week for the last six weeks. You won’t believe what he considers a “date night”. Do you agree? Catch up with…… Continue Reading

That Dumb Human Trick You Do
We were talking about dumb human tricks today, and Producer Sean’s really takes the cake. 😂… Continue Reading

Wine On A Budget!
How do you get that expensive wine without breaking the bank? Why do some wine’s turn your mouth black? Sommelier Anna-Christina Cabrales from The Sommelier Society of America has all the info you need. Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading
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