Recent Posts

Raven’s Report Card: So Much For A Surprise
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. Raven is throwing his wife a surprise party, but the issue is, she knows about it! Will the lack of a surprise be the determining factor of Raven’s grade this week? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday March 4, 2022: Fired Friday; Bedtime Ritual; Single Dana’s English Accent
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven has been planning a surprise party for Alicia’s birthday but the only trick is…she already knows about it. (:30) What’s your bedtime routine? Studies say that there is a 4 step…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Runway
The harness accessory is the latest fashion trend! Why not show it off with a little fashion show? 😎… Continue Reading

Raven Picks’em!
Three trending news stories, but you only get to hear about one and Raven picks! Today, he has a choice between a flipped 18-wheeler carrying chicken fat, a daycare escape by toddlers, and two kids who were arrested for assaulting people with silly string. Which was the winner? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Thursday March 3, 2022: Your Biggest Fear; Producer Jon’s New Friend; Batman Business
It might sound mean but…what’s the ugliest baby name you’ve ever heard? Anna found a list of the LEAST popular names on the planet! (:30) Anna’s got 3 crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to get the details on! Today his options are; an arrest involving silly string, a group of toddlers…… Continue Reading

The Great Stall Debate
It’s such a weird question, but do you have a stall you favor when you use a public bathroom? Raven has some surprising facts about the stall you consider the best to use!… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 2, 2022: Do It Yourself; 15 Minute Meal; Wellness Wednesday
Are you giving up something for rent? Anna is struggling to figure out what to give up and Raven thinks that her first idea is way too easy! (:15) They say that numbers don’t lie, but it turns out that the scale might! Amy Linas from Fit Body Vibe spoke to Anna and Raven about…… Continue Reading

That’s All I Need To Know About You!
Every day you see someone do or say something that makes you think, “That’s all I need to know about you!” That’s exactly what Raven said to himself when someone did THIS in our office…… Continue Reading

It’s All In Your Head…Literally
Ever get that weird ringing in your ears? Anna’s mom has a theory as to why that happens but is it a myth or fact? Catch up with the podcast to see what she found and what that ringing in your ear means.… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 1, 2022: Fashion Fail; Anna Watches The Godfather; Crazy Crash Diet
Do you ever get ringing in your ears? Anna used to think that it was because someone was talking about her, but now she’s begun to recognize that it’s actually a medical condition! (:30) Have you ever seen The Godfather before? In honor of the 50th anniversary of the movie, Anna watched it for the…… Continue Reading
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