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Thursday March 17, 2022: Producer Sean’s St. Paddy’s Day Project; Childish Leprechauns; Got Lucky
What’s your favorite thing about St. Patrick’s Day? Despite not having one drop of Irish blood, Anna has never said no to corn beef and cabbage! (:30) Lucky Charms may be delicious, but they’re good for a lot more than just eating! Anna has a project for Producer Sean and his only tools are paper,…… Continue Reading

Time To Do The Macarena!
In spirit of “The Macarena” winning today’s March Fadness matchup, we decided to do the dance ourselves! But with a bit of a twist..… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 16, 2022: March Fadness; Jon’s Jingle; Work With Your Spouse
Wednesday March 16, 2022: March Fadness; Jon’s Jingle; Work With Your Spouse Are the days of mall shopping finally over? Anna is worried that this staple of her childhood may be slowly disappearing! (:30) How long do you nap for? According to one study, there are only two correct answers to that question! (2:25) At…… Continue Reading

Manners That Are Out Of Style
After Anna noticed almost every diner at a restaurant having their elbows on the table, she wondered what manners don’t matter anymore? Karen Thomas, Etiquette Expert, fills you in.… Continue Reading

The Technology That Changed Your Life
There is a new list of life changing technology that guarantees to better your life, but what was the one gadget or piece of technology that DID make your life easier? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 15, 2022: Card Protocol; Restaurant Manner Etiquette; Hotel Covid
Anna’s older daughter turned 13 over the weekend! This birthday was a good time, but it reminded Anna of one of the most stressful weekends of her life! (:15) Just when you thought you were done with the Kanye/Pete Davidson story, a new development has happened that’s completely out of this world! (2:44) The gas…… Continue Reading

Phrases Your Parents Would Say That Drive You Crazy
Anna attended a kid’s birthday party, and when a child asked for a certain piece of birthday cake, his mother said something that made us all cringe as children. What was the phrase your parents use to say to you that drove you crazy?📸Getty Images Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday March 14th, 2022: Parent Phrases; Terrible Hobbies; Hiding Spots
It’s National Pie Day! What is America’s favorite pie, and do you think it’s accurate? (0:15) The pandemic has given everyone all the reason to start a new hobby to kill some time, but what are the worst hobbies you can have? (2:26) If you retire than do THIS no more than two months later, that is…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Shadow Boxing
Anna couldn’t stop making fun of something Raven did today. Who knew Raven was such a good boxer? 😂🤣🥊… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Successful Party?
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. Raven threw his wife Alicia a birthday party last week. Did Raven pull off the greatest party of all time, or will a bad grade reflect how it went?… Continue Reading
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