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The Early Bird Gets The Worm!
It’s no secret we are up very early for our job, but why do you get up so early? Do you have to hit the gym before work? Take the dog for a walk? You may want to start waking up early when you find out what time they claim successful people wake up.… Continue Reading

March 28, 2022: The Slap Heard Round The World; Life Lessons From Denzel; 4am Wake Ups
It’s the story that everyone will be talking about today, but the question is; was it even real? (:30) What time do you get up in the morning? A new study shows that there is a correct time of day to get up if you want to be successful! (4:30) The Chris Rock/Will Smith scandal…… Continue Reading

What Is This!?
Raven was baffled by what he found on Anna’s side of the room 🤣… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Shower Problem
Every week, Raven’s wife, Alicia, gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband that week. Will Raven’s shower etiquette be his downfall this week? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday March 25, 2022: Your Kid’s Favorite Toy; Anna’s Daughter Makes Dinner; Raven’s Report Card
One of the best parts of going to the Oscar’s is the fancy goodie bags they give out to guests. But this year, The Oscar’s are actually giving away real estate! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that…… Continue Reading

A New Social Media Test
A new test is sweeping social media and depending on what you see first in this image says a lot about who you are. What do you see?… Continue Reading

Coupons For The Win!
You see those couponers saving all that cash, but how do they do it? Turns out, it’s easier than you think. Josh Elledge from SavingsAngel .com has some great tips to help you save some cash, and it isn’t all about those coupons!… Continue Reading

Cleaning Away Some Calories!
It’s officially spring, which means it’s also time for some spring cleaning! One of the biggest health benefits to cleaning is burning calories. Just how many calories can our producers burn in just three minutes of cleaning? Find out!… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 23, 2022:Â Rental Nightmare; Cardio Cleaning; Good Idea Bad Idea
What do your co-workers do that drives your nuts? Anna and Raven found a list of the top responses and shared some pet peeves of their own! (:30) Cleaning and exercise are both necessary but time consuming activities, but what if you could get the benefits of both in the time it takes to do…… Continue Reading

Producer Jon’s Indiana Song
We had Producer Jon spin a wheel that had every state on it and whichever it landed on, he had to make a song about it. It’s our very own Anna & Raven America Song Contest! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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