Recent Posts
Monday January 24, 2022: Sorry Server; Home Alone; Why Did It Have To Be Snakes
What do you do when a friend gets a bad haircut? Anna is in that situation right now, but Raven thinks he knows exactly what she should do! (:30) Have you ever wished you could eat and drive at the same time? Well that’s a dangerous idea and you shouldn’t do it, BUT there’s a…… Continue Reading
Home Alone Stories
Raven has a pretty amazing story from a time he was left home alone when he was younger! DO you have a home alone story and does it top Raven’s!?… Continue Reading
Raven’s Report Card: Is Raven In The Doghouse?
Raven’s wife, Alicia, has been dress shopping for their upcoming wedding renewal and found the perfect solution… that may cost Raven more than he wanted, and there was a haircut-gone-wrong situation with their dog- It was a busy week at Raven’s house but how did he handle it as a husband? Catch up with “Raven’s…… Continue Reading
Friday January 21, 2022: School Lunch Memories; The New Apple Watch Commercial; Your First Job
Celebrity dating life is always a topic of interest in pop culture, but Anna isn’t sure why nobody is calling out this famous couple for what is clearly toxic behavior! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade based on how well he’s done as a husband that week! After…… Continue Reading
The Comeback From The 90’s!
The biggest trend of 2022 has Anna excited! Can you guess what it will be!?… Continue Reading
All I Need To Know About You: It’s The Little Things…
Sometimes, it’s the little things that drive you crazy, and when Anna found out her daughter didn’t know about this famous parody artist, she was in disbelief! Find out who Hayden didn’t know existed and ask your child if they know who he is, report back in the comments! Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading
What Men Want Other Men To Stop Doing…
What do men wish that other men would stop doing? It was a topic that went viral, but when Anna asked the guys on the show what they wished for, it was certainly eye opening. Catch up with the podcast and let us know what you wish men would stop doing in the comments!… Continue Reading
Anna’s Crochet Hat For Charity!
After experimenting with different crocheting techniques, Anna succeeded with a loom and created a hat! Now, it can be yours and all the proceeds go to an animal rescue organization. If you would like to bid on it send Anna an email with your bid at [email protected] by 10pm tonight!… Continue Reading
Tuesday January 18, 2022: What Guys Hate About Guys; Chore Protocol; Relationship Red Flags
Are you “mask hot”? A recent study found that people are more attractive when they’re wearing a mask! (:30) Are you up to date on this weeks news? Anna and Raven talk about this weeks trending news stories, including the reason Anna donated to the “Betty White Challenge”! (2:13) Men do lots of things that…… Continue Reading
Anna’s Crochet Quest Continues
Anna is going to crochet something to auction off and donate the earnings to an animal shelter. Her only problem is she has never crocheted before. Any tips for Anna?… Continue Reading