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Friday April 1, 2022: Skip Day Story; Whisper Mode; Raven’s Report Card
What’s the most stressful hour of the week for you? According to one study, the answer might be dramatically different depending on if you’re a man or a woman! (:15) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give him a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This…… Continue Reading

Weird Snack Combinations
We asked you about your weird snack combinations, and decided to take the most popular ones and try them out! How do we feel about avocado and chocolate? Apples and salsa? Coca-Cola and chicken? Find out! They may just be the next snack you fall in love with too! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

What Is Alopecia?
With all the drama surrounding the joke Chris Rock made about Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, many asked the same question… What is alopecia? Dr. Adrienne Haughton from Stony Brook Medicine has that info and answers Anna’s random urban legend about losing your hair every seven years. (The response is surprising!)… Continue Reading

Thursday March 31, 2022: Made Up Snacks; Tips to Tame Your Teenager; March Fadness
Anna has never found Netflix’s “Recommended For You” section very useful, until she realized she could use it to spy on her kids! (:30) Mini-Vans are useful but they are not cool and if you say otherwise, that’s all I need to know about you! (2:52) Basketball may not be your thing, but everyone is…… Continue Reading

The Can’t Beat Raven Jackpot Is At An All Time High!
The Can’t Beat Raven jackpot is at an all-time high and Raven can’t contain his excitement over it! Who will be our next big winner? Do you have what it takes to stop Raven’s current win streak?… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 30, 2022: I Saw The Sign; Problematic Parental Habits; March Fadness
Are pranks still cool? Friday is April Fool’s Day, but nowadays most of the pranks people used to pull will get you fired! (:30) What do you do to break through a weight loss plateau? Anna and Raven spoke to fitness expert Amy Llinas to get some tips on how to break through! (2:54) Assigned…… Continue Reading

The Tae Bo Dream Team
Tae Bo may have lost today’s March Fadness match up, but it will live in our hearts forever. Time to channel our inner Billy Banks and burn some calories.… Continue Reading

Was Will Smith Sorry!?
Will Smith released an apology for his actions during The Oscars. Is it genuine though? Listen to the podcast as we break down his apology and decide for yourself whether you think he is sincere with his words. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 29, 2022: The Guam Song; Your Wild Surgery; March Fadness Elite 8
Have you heard of “shrink-flation”? If you haven’t, prepared to be absolutely outraged! (:30) Anna and Raven have become huge fans of American Song Contest and have decided to create their own version of the game! Today, they get a local musician to write a song about Guam! (2:12) Will Smith has posted an apology…… Continue Reading

The Slap Heard Around the World
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at The Oscars yesterday, so it gave Anna an interesting idea…… Continue Reading
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