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Thursday April 7, 2022: Unnecessary Lies; What Do You Complain About; Producer Jon’s Profile Pic
The Will Smith Slap drama is getting played out, but after realizing one small detail, Anna is furious that nobody in the audience took advantage of the situation! (:30) Have you heard of the new eyedrops that can actually improve your vision? Anna is slightly skeptical of this new product, but that’s not stopping her…… Continue Reading

Check Out Our New Sign!
Check out our brand new Can’t Beat Raven sign! What do you think? Who is going to win the jackpot next!?… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: A Countdown To Make Anxiety Blast Off
The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Method is a scientific way to help relieve stress and anxiety. But does it work? Time to test it on the most stressed-out member of the show, Producer Sean! Did it work? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday April 6, 2022: Adult Necessities; Indoor Cameras; Wellness Wednesday
What do you consider a spoiler for a movie or TV show? A study was recently done that showed that some people consider even giving your opinion to be a big spoiler! (:30) Do you struggle with stress? Most people do, but Anna and Raven have found a new method to deal with it! They…… Continue Reading

Meeting The Parents
Meeting your romantic interests’ parents for the first time can be very stressful. Raven has some great stories about times he met a girlfriend’s parents, and he will make you happy that he didn’t date your daughter…… Continue Reading

Tuesday April 5, 2022: Your Last Requests; Mom Fails; Meet The Parents
Anna got a DM from someone who saw her in a Target recently. While she loves meeting listeners in public, in this particular case she was scared that this person might’ve seen her acting a little crazy! (:30) What 3 things do you want to happen at your funeral? A viral video is going around…… Continue Reading

Why Is It Trending!?
It’s the three biggest stories trending over the weekend including why people are waiting for tonight to find out if they’re winning cash! Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Monday April 4, 2022: What You Never Wash; Grammy Recap; March Fadness Finals
Anna has been dealing with a lingering cough for the last week and the only that has helped so far is something that is usually reserved for children… (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s trending stories? Anna and Raven get you caught up on what’s trending, including the controversy surrounding K-Pop group…… Continue Reading

Producer Jon & Raven Go Into Whisper Mode
There are plenty of thing’s in life that Anna wishes she could put on “whisper mode”. Her toddler, Axel Rose, Raven, and many more! But what would Axel Rose and Raven sound like on a whisper mode? Let’s find out…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Dealing With Another Surgery
Every week, Raven’s wife, Alicia, gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband that week. Has Raven Stepped up and helped around the house after their dog underwent another foot surgery? Or did Raven keep himself in the doghouse? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading
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