Recent Posts

Tuesday April 19, 2022: Worst Professions to Marry; What You Brought to School; Your Best Life
Anna’s retirement plan is largely dependent on the value of her Beanie Baby collection. So when SNL decided to lampoon her collection, she didn’t appreciate it! (:30) Do you know any phone numbers by heart? Anna read a trick to get your kids to learn your phone number and it’s low-key brilliant! (3:23) Hanging out…… Continue Reading

Work Sibling Torture…
We asked about what your siblings do or have done to torture you, but what about your coworkers?! Anna & Raven let one another know what they do at work that bothers them greatly…… Continue Reading

Sibling Torture!
Despite the ten-year age gap between Anna’s two daughters, they still torture each other. It’s like you’re hardwired from birth to torture your siblings! What is your sibling torture story? Listen to the podcast and see if you can top these stories! 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday April 18, 2022: How You Tortured Your Sibling; Dangerous Kid Games; Live With A Woman
Some people don’t enjoy celebrating their birthday, but is it really something worth losing your job over? (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you up to date on what’s trending, including the reason that Coachella opened with an apology! (2:53) Hard boiled eggs should…… Continue Reading

The Easter Bunny Song And Dance!
Do The Easter Bunny Dance with us!… Continue Reading

Anna’s Memorial For Snowball
Some people have great memories of Easter from when they were children. Anna and her sister, Lora, have a…unique…memory because it involves eating their pet. It’s time to finally put the Snowball story behind us. Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday April 15, 2022: Best Easter Song Ever; The Ex Who Won’t Go Away; Raven’s Report Card
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! Alicia’s Grandparents had an anniversary party last weekend that Raven officiated, so his grade is gonna depend on how well he did! (:30) Nude sunbathing is a private thing, so if…… Continue Reading

Star 99.9 Homeroom with Soundwaters
Anna & Raven visited our Star Homeroom at Roosevelt School in Bridgeport. They brought along some creatures with our friends at Soundwaters too 🐢🦐🐌… Continue Reading

The Worst Tattoo On The Show
With all of the buzz surrounding Anna getting a tattoo covered up, we thought it would be fun to let you choose who you believe has the worst tattoo on he show!… Continue Reading

Thursday April 14, 2022: Is Anna Rude?; All By Myself; Wedding Traditions
People eat lots of questionable things at baseball games, but Anna heard that one stadium is starting to serve something you would never expect to eat at a sporting event! (:30) Anna’s got three crazy news stories and Raven’s going to pick one to talk about! Today his options are; a pizza delivery man who…… Continue Reading
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