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Four VS Forty

Four VS Forty

What can a 4-year-old do better than a 40-year-old? Surprisingly, a lot! Can Anna fit under the bed like her daughter Dakota?Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Skip The Sweat

Wellness Wednesday: Skip The Sweat

Do you sweat excessively? You just may have hyperhidrosis but with the temps rising, how do you control it? One suggestion requires pen and paper, catch up with the podcast!📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Squash That Beef!

Squash That Beef!

Anna needs your help deciding what to do when it comes to a few old feuds. Should she be the bigger person, or take Raven’s sage advice?Continue Reading

Jobs You Get Yelled At

Jobs You Get Yelled At

A video of a man yelling at MLB umpire Angel Hernandez went viral. Seems like umps/refs get yelled at a lot. What’s a profession where it’s normal to get yelled at? Image Source: Getty ImagesJobs You Get Yelled AtContinue Reading

Building Confidence With Confidence Coach, Regina Bonds

Building Confidence With Confidence Coach, Regina Bonds

Trouble with exuding confidence in both your professional and personal life? You’re not alone. Confidence Expert Regina Bonds- The Confidence Coach gives you tips on what you can do to build confidence including one thing you should be doing that most successful people every day.Continue Reading

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Brad The Eco Dude from Eco Evolution joined Anna & Raven for Earth Day today and gave Raven an awesome gift to help encourage him to be a little more environmentally friendly. One thing is for sure, we all need one of these in our lives!Continue Reading

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