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Telltale Flirting Signs…
Unsure if someone is flirting with you? Anna & Raven have some good examples of what to look at for when you think someone may be into you.… Continue Reading

Monday May 2, 2022: Multi-Lingual; What You Refuse to Spend Money On; Signs You’re Being Hit On
Being a good actor is a difficult thing to do, but what if you were just playing yourself? According to Nicholas Cage, it’s a lot harder than you think! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you up to date on what’s trending, including the…… Continue Reading

Telltale Signs Of Flirting
Can you tell when someone is flirting with you? The NYC Wing Woman Cher Gopman has the tell tale signs to prove that he/she is definitely into you. Check out the podcast. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Mother’s Day Confession Line Is Live!!
With Mother’s Day approaching, we thought it would be fun to launch the Mother’s Day Confessional Line! What is it? What’s the number? Anna & Raven tell you all about it!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Alicia Needs Anna’s Help
Every week, Raven’s wife, Alicia, gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. This week, Alicia seeks Anna’s help with a big issue she has involving Raven’s health. Check it out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday April 29, 2022: Tanning Horror Stories; Raven’s Report Card; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Would you bring your family on a work trip? Anna thinks it seems like a fun, affordable way to do a family trip, but there’s one big downside… (1:00) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade on how he did as a husband that week! Last weekend Raven went on…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Find Their Zen
A lot of experts we’ve talked to have said that the key to success is meditation. Since we’ve never mediated before, we asked yoga & meditation expert Berta Prevosti from Raja Yogini to help us find our Zen.… Continue Reading

All I Need To Know About You: You Got Served
Jason Sudeikis served custody papers to his ex Olivia Wilde while she was presenting the trailer for her new movie. Have you ever been served or served papers to someone? What happened? Catch up with the podcast to hear how one woman served her husband on Black Friday and how Raven had to serve his…… Continue Reading

Thursday April 28, 2022: You Got Served; The QB Quiz; Secret Treasure
What music is so culturally important that it needs to be preserved for all time? There’s apparently a committee in Washington that determine this, but Anna and Raven decided to make their own list! (:30) Divorce is hard but if you feel the need to serve your ex in this public a setting, that’s all…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Mother’s Day Confessional
Call in to Anna & Raven’s Mother’s Day Confessional and confess! Did you blame your brother for sharpie all over the wall when you were little? Are you a mom that forgot to pack lunch for your kid…for an entire school year? Call 1-833-431-0905 to get it off your chest! And maybe say Happy Mother’s…… Continue Reading
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